November Ballot- Part 2
On to the statewide ballot propositions:
Prop 1- 7.5 Billion Water Bond- Yes: I'm not really satisfied this isn't, or won't be, filled with a bunch of frivolous spending, but water infrastructure development is needed and this seems the best we can do.
Prop 2- Creation of a Budget Stabilization Account- Yes: I believe this will create an account to pay off debt and for use when state revenues drop- the often talked about Rainy Day Fund. I'll go along with it.
Prop 45- Health Insurance Rate Changes- Not Sure: This will requires the Insurance Commissioner's approval before any changes are made to health insurance rates. Seems to me we already have enough government involvement in health insurance rates. Not sure if this might not make things worse. If I don't vote NO, I'll stand aside.
Prop 46- Drug Testing for Doctors, Malpractice Award Increase- NO: The three separate actions this initiative would achieve should be reason enough alone to vote NO. They should be separated into three separate initiatives so you can choose each proposal on its own merit. Mixing a bunch of stuff together in hopes that the voter might vote Yes because of one is wrong.
Aside from that, we need more doctors in this state, not less. Telling them if they'll be subject to piss tests if they practice in California will give them one more reason to open their practice in some other state.
Prop 47- Felonies to Misdemeanors- A grudging Yes: I'm not particularly comfortable with the idea of reducing criminal charges as a way to keep people out of jail. Then again, I'm one who has said time and again people shouldn't be arrested for simply eating, drinking or smoking things. I guess I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't go along with this.
On the other hand, if someone is a career petty thief, or some small time crook, I'd prefer they spend as much time in jail as possible. I don't know that it matters whether they're charged with a felony or misdemeanor. I want them locked up where they can't prey on us.
Prop 48- Indian Gaming- Not Voting: This has something to do with approving gaming compacts between the state and some indian tribes. I really don't care about the specifics. I'm tired of hearing about indian casinos and all the back scratching between the casinos and politicians, local and statewide.
Almost makes me sorry I circulated petitions for the original indian gaming initiative that made it legal in the first place. But I'm not. If the indian tribes want to open casinos, they can have at it, but it should also be available to everyone else. Then again, even if everyone had the right to open casinos, I'd still be tired of hearing about it. I'm as tired of hearing about casinos as I am of hearing about pot all the time.
Local Measures:
Measure P- Countywide GMO Ban- NO: A solution in search of a problem. Meant as a slap in the face to Monsanto and other large businesses more than anything else.
Measure Z- Countywide Sales Tax Increase- Not Voting: A half cent sales tax increase throughout the county to help bolster the county coffers. I might not mind too much if I thought this was the only tax increase we'd be seeing on the ballot in the foreseeable future. It's not, and it won't be.
I suspect this tax will also apply out of county when you buy large objects such as appliances and automobiles as Eureka's sales tax does. That's just plain wrong. Why I'm not voting instead of voting NO I'm not sure I can explain. I guess I'm happy to let the rest of the folks in the county fight it out and I'll stand aside.
City of Eureka's Measure Q- .5% Sales Tax Extension- NO: I'll vote No on this one if only because I think it's very wrong that it applies outside the city limits for larger purchases. Measure Z gets half a pass in that regard. This one doesn't.
Aside from that, as with Measure Z, there are too many taxes on the ballot now that will probably pass and likely more to come in the next few years. Things are expensive enough and I'm getting worried about being able to make ends meet. These taxes are just a small part of that but they will make things worse.
And none of these taxes do anything to deal with the largest part of the ever growing drain on city and county coffers: Public employee pension and health care costs.
City of Eureka Measure R- Minimum Wage Increase- NO: Increases minimum wage to 12 dollars only in the City of Eureka. Another attempt at a slap the face of business.
This puts Eureka, a depressed area needing all the new business it can get, at a disadvantage to all the other areas of the county. It will also make it harder for those of us relatively unskilled laborers to get jobs. The last thing we need.
The state has already raised the minimum wage and will raise it again next year. That should suffice.
City of Eureka Measure S- Eureka City Schools Bond- NO: Not sure what the term of this bond will be but even if 20 years I'm suspicious. They'll be using the money for some legitimate repairs, or so they say. They're also using it to upgrade technology systems.
I can't see taking out a 20 year loan for equipment that likely won't last anywhere near the length of time to pay back the bond. We'll end up being asked to pass a new bond for newer equipment while still paying off the old bond.
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