Saturday, December 20, 2014

I Had No Idea: Mailing Children

In 1913 it was legal to mail children. With stamps attached to their clothing, children rode trains to their destinations, accompanied by letter carriers. One newspaper reported it cost fifty-three cents for parents to mail their daughter to her grandparents for a family visit. As news stories and photos popped up around the country, it didn't take long to get a law on the books making it illegal to send children through the mail.

Click on the picture to read comments to the post. They're interesting, too. I like this one:
"So thankful that with today's technology we can fax em".


At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SNOPES says such occurrences were rare, and almost all were publicity stunts. In some cases, the carriers were known to the parents and the child went a short distance (e.g., one mile). In others, it was a way of cheating out on not paying for a train ticket. Also, the photos attached to the chain e-mail where this history is recounted were actually staged photos not tied to real incidents.


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