Greenhut On U.C. Political Correctness
Over at the San Diego Union- Tribune, Steve Greenhut looks at the University of California's War On Microaggression. What's that, you ask? I was wondering too but, after reading, it's no surprise:
“...everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults” that “communicate hostile messages” to members of “marginalized” groups. These can be unintentional and even “preconscious” or “unconscious” slights."
A fact sheet gives some examples:
" — e.g., asking a person of Asian or Latino descent where they are from, saying that “America is the land of opportunity,” or criticizing affirmative action as “racist.” UC identifies other microaggressions as mistaking a female doctor for a nurse or “being forced to choose male or female on a form."
This is part of higher education today. Greenhut goes on to point out this is based on Critical Race Theory. What's that?
“...starts with the premise that race and racism are endemic to and permanent in U.S. society."
Ahhh...we're all racist. Us white folk, anyway. That must be where the folks are coming from that comment here suggesting we'll be back to the days of slavery if we didn't have the Civil Rights Act keeping us in line.
I figured this was going to be yet another post where Fred was going to bait by using the term Negro
Fred you senile bigot. How about us white people not bring up race this week?
It would seem a lot easier to just acknowledge that we all have tendencies that are basically racist however one exactly defines it, why not just acknowledge ones Inner Cracker and not let him drive the bus anymore.
It is a lot easier not living some lie about not being racist. You are, I am, we all are: so live with it and try not to be an asshole about it.
But for the love of anything good stop lying about it and denying it.
Pretty simple really.
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