Tuesday, July 26, 2016

New Crop Circles

You don't hear about crop circles much anymore, but the Daily Sheeple tells us of a new one that showed up recently in a British wheat field. No one knows who did it or why it was done. The owners of the field are just pissed at the damage done to their crops. I saw a TV show years ago featuring some guys that claimed to be responsible for some crop circles. They even showed how they did it. They got in a line, side by side, with a rope between them and walked through the field, turning when needed. Seemed to work. Whether that was how this one was done, who knows?


At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not hard to trample crops. This is vandalism.

At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How quaintly British. It's an EUlian fascinator!

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Just think of the mathematical equations they had to use to do this.

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Iggy

At 9:47 AM, Blogger English John said...

It was 4 farm workers from Wiltshire in England, lve seen them do it .... No aliens involved


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