Saturday, October 29, 2016

A Better Man Than I

I just got back from Winco after buying a Grinder sandwich from Leonardi's. Pretty busy there, but one fellow stood out: A guy I'd guess in his 40s wearing a Trump t- shirt and one of those red Make America Great Again hats.

I couldn't help but think he looked the fool. I realize I have Gary Johnson signs in my yard and on my truck, but Trump? I'd be too embarrassed to publicly claim any support for him. A better example of how balsy he was was that I couldn't get up the nerve to ask him how he had the guts to walk around in public like that, knowing probably everyone else in the store also thought him a fool.

I wouldn't have the guts to do that. I'll give him credit for being a better man than I for having guts.


At 12:27 PM, Blogger MOLA:42 said...

I find that most fools don't know who is the fool.

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

That could well be true.

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Oh, if that was you, Mola, sorry, but you did look silly.

At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i voted for thump
not really for him but for his supreme court pick and hope its a republican judge
and its also a vote against hitlery although either thump or hitlery will be disaster
wont even use my name for a comment

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Castle didn't quite make the Electorals in time, so he's not on the write-in ballot in Calif. Hopefully he win the other states he is on ballot in. Bernie still is qualified for write in though & I hear he's hoping for more land & tax funds to add to his 3rd home.
Now that I can't vote my conscience, I'll be voting to stop the war monger hillary by voting for Trump. Even though he is a Patriot Act, no fly list, stop & frisk, ignoramous. At least he's just ignorant, unlike his main opponent.
Gary is ignorant too, but Weld isn't. Gary bows to his hero Weld. Nuff said.

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Fred! Any public display of support for anyone other than bang your head against the wall futility inspired candidates or goosestepping behind the Clinton Crime syndicate is worthy of public scorn. How Libertarian of you.

At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Trump sign appeared on my lawn while I was at work. Apparently they're so desperate they're going around vandalizing people's property with them. That's pretty sad.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

My vote was cast early, and I'm proud to say I voted for Trump."Lock her up!!!"

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I guess Trump must be pretty good if Sally voted for him.

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

And I have to admire Sally's courage in confessing she voted for him.

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can I pick up a Gary Johnson yard sign in Eureka?

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I've run out, but you can get them within a week at and taking the Shop link. They're $5.00 each plus $5.00 shipping. Order now and I wouldn't be surprised if you have them within a week.

I do have some Gary Johnson bumper stickers on hand.

At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, don't need a bumper sticker. A Trump sign keeps appearing in front of my house. I'm a corner house. I think someone up the side road is putting it there for more exposure. I wasn't planning on putting up any signs, but I sure don't want my neighbors getting the impression I'm a trump whackjob...


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