Thursday, March 09, 2006

Richard Marks Is Back

Complicating the race for Fourth District Supervisor, Richard Marks throws his hat in the ring. He came in third last time he ran and I suspect he'll come in third again. I was actually kinda bummed when I saw him running because that race was already interesting enough for me and I wanted it to stay simple.

So now we have two left leaners, if not left wingers, in the race against one right winger conservative type. The question I have now is who will Local Solutions and the Democratic Central Committee endorse? I don't see how either group could have any beef with Bonnie Neely but maybe I'm missing something. If there'd be any problem at all, it would be that Marks is the only Democrat in the race.

I don't think partisan affiliation is as important to Local Solutions, but will partisan loyalty trump pragmatism with the Democratic Central Committee? We shall see.


At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The local democratic committee can't endorse anyone who is not a democrat nor can they pit one dem against the other.

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Fred, localsolutions is nothing more than the latest morph of "R Trent" Salzman's so-called "Alliance for Ethical Business." After the Recall, he morphed it into, then came Behind the Redwood Curtain or localsolutions. It's all Salzman and Michael Twombly. Look at the websites ( ( (local - all the same rhetoric, all the same claims to fame, the same issues - all Gallegos and Palco. The agenda is clear - and localsolutions is undoubtedly a funding source for Salzman's favorite candidate - pity all the poor candidates who think they are the ones localsolutions cares about.

If you are on their email list, look at the headers (the older messages, not the recent ones - these guys change names and identities all the time, they specialize in euphemistic titles -,,, and people fall for it, because it SOUNDS so good.)

We will never know how much money AEB raised during the Recall - as Salzman carefully avoided triggering FPPC disclosure requirements. How much they raised, where it came from, how they spent it - and why. We'll NEVER know.

Now - the so-called "Alliance for Ethical Business" is gung-ho on anti Marina Center and Measure T bandwagon - the horse they hope Gallegos can ride to victory.

Measure T has one purpose and one purpose only.

Don't give these guys any credibility. Just making up a name and saying you are the coalition-for-such-and-such doesn't mean anything.

At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It amazes me how people trash Salzman so much when the Arkley crew did virtually the same thing with the "Eureka Coalition for Jobs" which we all know he funded.

The only real issue I have with Salzman is the false name thing... and we all know some people agree with what he wrote, so who cares who signs it? Doesn't make any difference to me.

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of like the name "PALCO." The name itself is propaganda. It's like saying they are a company that is your pal. Except that they'll ruin your water supply and flood your house if you live in Elk River or Freshwater, and they'll destroy the local economy the way Maxxam planned it back in 1986. And the pension fund? Forget about it! Just think of them as your pal! Yeah, rootin' for the little guy while they stab you in the back.

At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salzman good! Arkely bad! Uggh!

At 1:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good points, 8:30 . Rapacious corporations like PALCO/MAXXAM have only one thing in mind: making themselves filthy rich.

And with billions of dollars at their disposal, they can buy all kinds of corporate shills like Steven Lewis to sell their propaganda for them.

Billionaires can even create and fund entire newspapers like Eureka's Arkley Reporter to spread their lies.

At 7:09 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Boy, the hard core lefties sure have come out of the woodwork here lately.

And, yes Rose, I know from whence Local Solutions comes but they are a political player in this county so should be taken note of.

They seem to have an advantage over the right wing groups as they appear to have consolidated the efforts among the various left wing orgs to some extent, or so it appears to me.

I haven't seen anything similar to that coming from the Right.

That said; how effective Local Solutions ends up being in the short and long run remains to be seen.

At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... snowed in Garberville this morning....

Any snow at sea level? There was a slight chance for it this morning, but not in any huge amounts.

Snow level will return to 1000 feet by afternoon.

At 7:36 AM, Blogger Rose said...

I agree with you there, Fred. A localsolutions endorsement should be seen for what it is. I doubt they'll be endorsing Marks unless he's another Schectman.

At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 8:28 pm - what planet are you from? I am not a "leftie" or a "rightie" ...just middle of the road and care about my community. R. Trent Salzman is pathetic, manipulative and a liar. He targeted private people and trashed them to further his warped agenda and then he didn't even tell the truth in his letters - he put out misinformation. The guy is a loser and any cause he hooks up with I will be more than critical of. Sorry that you can't see behind his propaganda and sorry others can't either, but oh well! Thats your choice.

At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

IT'S PALCO, DAMMIT! Erin Dunn, Pacific Lumber's communications manager, fired off a letter to company employees last week telling them, in effect, to get with the program. Last August, she reminded workers, the company launched "a new branding campaign [that] included new stated goals, new governance principals and a new corporate mark and name -- PALCO." The acronym, Dunn continued, symbolizes "our commitment to sustainability, the environment, community and business." The PALCO logo is now on company logging trucks, company envelopes and stationery, and is being placed on company signs. It's imprinted everywhere, it seems, but in the minds of workers, many of whom continue to refer to the company by the old name, PL, and who haven't changed their office and cell phone voice mail messages to reflect the new order. Such changes must be made immediately, Dunn said in her letter. Moreover, when speaking to each other, employees "need to remind each other to say PALCO at all times. Change your habit of saying PL," Dunn exhorted. "If you hear a fellow employee refer to the company by another name or abbreviation, correct them." Or rat on them to the thought police.

- From the January 15, 2004 edition of the North Coast Journal.

At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:08am- now why does that post remind me of the book 1984?

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I don't understand what you're saying, Kat; Are you saying PALCO policy seems Orwellian, or something 11:08 might be suggesting is Orwellian.

I wanted to use the term "Orwellian" in referring to the Dan Weintraub commentary on the Reiner memos. The Reiner memos certainly seemed Orwellian to me.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Truth is, a memo like that would accompany ANY corporate identity program change - imagine the memos when Federal Express swithced to FedEX. There's nothing sinister about it.

Same kind of memo would accompany a logo change, in any major company. Even a small company. Any ad agency or PR person would write that.

Orwellian is "timber yes, fraud no" spoken by people who want to end logging on this planet. Salzman saying he wants "logging the way it used to be" - and no one points outm hey, we don't want it the way it used to be. we have seen vast improvements in 30 years.

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maxxam, and the rapacious logging they have imposed, are a terrible blight on Humboldt County. "Timber yes, Fraud No" is a sincere sentiment by people who believe logging can be done in a way that sustains our community, and not as a financial bonanza to a Texas corporate raider.

As the old slogan goes: "Timber Yes, Maxxam No."

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rapacious logging? You haven't lived here very long. Current logging is nothing compared to what used to be. Clear cuts are miniscule compared to the way it used to be.

At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, that must be why Maxxam says they are running out of logs.

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too bad. New Orleans could use some logs.

At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

True. And Humboldt County could use some of those steady jobs that used to be offered by the old PL.

At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Reiner memos were definitely Orwellian, Fred. Mind control. Re-education. Scary stuff!

At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred: I hope you are wrong about the 4th District race. I am hoping for a run off. Just an ordinary working class type guy. We need a change in Humboldt County politics. May even knock on your door.

At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole scenario makes the case for the need of ranked voting here.

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The system's not broke. It doesn't need an narcissistic baby boomers who aren't getting their way to go fiddling with it. We're going to be lucky if our system survives what's already being done to it.


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