Thursday, June 01, 2006

Two New Humboldt Blogs

I've went against my better judgement and added two new blogs to the FHB local blog list. I say against my better judgement because they are new and you never know if the bloggers will poop out and stop blogging, thus cluttering up cyberspace with yet another dead blog.

But, if they do, that will just give me the opportunity to post another one of my "time to roll up this blog and shut 'er down..." messages to their comments page. A self- appointed job that I actually relish and no blogger is spared- just ask Bob Doran or Saving Ancient Forests. I do it to any blog I find that hasn't posted anything new for at least a month.

Both of these two new ones are obviously lefty, if not hard left, blogs. Makes you wonder if it's part of some conspiracy? The first, the Humboldt Herald, is by Heraldo, who seems to have just shown up here at this blog recently. His blog's only a couple days old but, since he says he's voting for Gallegos, I'd say that makes him a lefty.

Next we have SoHum Parlance, by our very own Eric Kirk, a relatively new commentor here, but he's shown us lack of having something to say is not one of his weaknesses. Just one look at his voting recommendations shows he's very much to the left side of the political spectrum, with the exception of his recommendations of Prop 82 and Measure T, but those two aren't really qualifying issues as a number of lefties oppose both.

I have no doubt Eric will stick with his blog. Don't know enought about Heraldo to make a call on him. Both need to remember that, if they don't post for a month, they'll get one of my shut 'er down messages and be removed from the FHB blog list and you know we don't want to go there.


At 9:19 AM, Blogger Eric V. Kirk said...

You think I can stay quiet for a whole month???

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Probably not, but some people do. I've seen a number of blogs that start out with one or two posts and that's it.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Pamela Reece said...

Hey, Fred, how come you're not including me as a friend to your right? You bogart, you!!! LOL Still reading, and always will. Can you give me some other honest good leftist bloggers to link?

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Fred, I couldn't keep up with that other blog anymore so I tried to delete it. Didn't work. Its still there but I can't do anything to it. Its just a husk of its former self.

The Save Ancient Forests blog however is still alive and kicking. Don't want any rumors starting that its not.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Eric V. Kirk said...

I'm not certain at this point whether my piece against Measure T will be published in the Eye, so I've posted it at my site.

I'd really appreciate commentary from any side of the debate. In some ways, my piece is more about the future political climate of the county than the campaign itself.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger "Bob" said...

Fred, I hope you noticed I updated Humblog by posting your chastisement (and my response regarding the vastness of cyberspace and thus the impossibility of clutter) not that it exactly counts as a true blog update. Anyway, your nagging did get me back to blogging and I've since added new posts to Humblog and to my other one:

At 8:41 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Yes, Bob, I did notice. I stop by your blog every day, believe it or not.

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Pam wrote,"Hey, Fred, how come you're not including me as a friend to your right?"

Include you where? On my blog list? My blog list is only of local blogs. Oh, I did say I was going to add a link to your blog someday, didn't I?

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Bob wrote,

Eeeghads, Bob! That's yet another music and entertainment blog.

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Heraldo Riviera said...

Thanks for adding my blog to your list, Fred. I intend to stay with in, but I notice that Blogger has a lot of problems. If it becomes unworkable, I'll just have to move to some other blogging service.

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I noticed Patriotic Mom said she was moving her blog to some other blog outfit because of the problems with blogspot. I can't help wonder how many problems the other services have that we have yet to know about.

Blogspot does have some irritating glitches at times. Probably the most annoying is making a post or comment and it doesn't get published and just disappears. I try to remember to copy my comments to my clipboard before publishing just in case, but I don't often remember.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Heraldo Riviera said...

I'm pretty surprised that Blogger has so many glitches since it hosts such a huge number of blogs. I notice in their "help" section people are always complaining about some odd thing not working, and simple services (like posting pictures) being down for several days.

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Eric V. Kirk said...

I couldn't save anything on my blog this morning. And then all of the sudden the same post appeared 4 times. Took me a while to find out how to delete them because blogger wasn't loading up.

Of course, I am a complete computer illiterate. It's a miracle I can even work that thing.

At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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