Monday, July 03, 2006

Right Wing Sites Losing To The Left

Looks like some of the Right Wing heavies; Rush, Coulter and O'Reilly, are taking a hit in their web site traffic, according to this news piece. I can't help but wonder if they're just manipulating statics by picking out a short time span that shows a downward trend, but it might well be true.

What I can't understand is why Left Wing sites like are getting more traffic. I can see some people getting bored with Bush apologists saying the same thing over and over again but says the same thing over and over again too. I get a little tired of both of them.


At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The change in traffic is because history is showing more people that a) neoconservatism, that unholy marriage between Newt Gingerich and Jerry Falwell, is destroying the USA, and b) liberals are and always have been, the real patriots in this country.

At 9:59 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I don't know that I'd go that far.

At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't either. Quite the opposite.

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After Coulter calls someone a poopy head, traitor and then calls for the person's demise, she's got nothing left to say. There's no second act in her show. Time to move on.

O'Reilly doesn't appear to read or keep up on current events beyond reading the headlines on his yahoo email account, He tries to make up for this by being loud.

Rush is...well... compared to Coulter and O"Reilly he comes off as somewhat intelligent, albeit boring and mostly on the wrong side of issues.

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Eric V. Kirk said...

Another theory is that with Fox News being bigger than the other cable news networks put together, the rest are scrambling to be as conservative as Fox. Talk radio has been dominated by conservatives for 2 decades now, despite the recent encroachment upstarts like Air America and Democracy Radio (no relationship with Democracy Now). The net is the medium left to progressive activists.

The problem with that theory is the same was true 5 years ago.

Probably a combination of factors. Coulter has personally gone even farther off the top than normal in recent months. Rush has his problems. And O'Reilly seems to be very grim of late, particularly with reports that Olberman is cutting into his ratings (doesn't make sense on the west coast where they aren't aired at the same time - Olberman can't afford to compete with the Daily Show).

And again, maybe there are other right wing sites that have begun to get some of the traffic.

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May be because some of the right wing sites charge. So much of what they say is free on the airwaives, doesn't mean we like 'em less. Rush and O'Reilly charge, pretty sure.

At 6:59 AM, Blogger ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

"What I can't understand is why Left Wing sites like are getting more traffic."

It's probably entertainment. Only Coulter is comparable in amusement value to the Kos kids and Moveon.

At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could also be that with no election in sight, there's no sense of urgency.

At 8:27 AM, Blogger Eric V. Kirk said...

Looks like Olberman's making a move on O'Reilly.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Boy, am I not in the loop! Never heard of Olberman before.

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Eric V. Kirk said...

Olberman is the last liberal with a primetime news show on a national network. I think he's on at 9 in our time zone because they don't want him competing with the Daily Show, but back east he shares the O'Reilly timeslot and their rivalry has been quite spirited over the past year.


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