Guess Who?

Update: Ok. At least one of you did. Here's the link to the story. Everyone together now: FREE MARY ANN!
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
Oh Mary Ann, say it ain't so! I alway thought Ginger would be the one to get busted...
Yep. Dawn Wells, better known as Mary Ann on the old Gilligan's Island tv show. I'll add a link to the story to my original post.
I thought it was one of Eliot Spitzer's call girls.
Hey... you don't be picking on my sweet Mary Ann.
Poor Mary Ann. But she looks pretty perky for 69!
I just noticed Wikipedia mentions her recent arrest.
OH, that is just sad.
Well maybe she can write a book. Comedian Tommy Chong got 9 months for selling art bongs across state lines. I just read his very entertaining and enlightening book called, The I Chong: Meditations from the Joint. It is a great read!
I love her excuse about hitchikers. Maybe she was hoping the officer would be influenced by her TV character.
Incidentally, I always preferred her to Ginger, and yes, even to Jeannie. Of course, my real crush was Mary Tyler Moore in The Dick Van Dyke show.
Oh, your story doesn't mention the hitchhikers!
Eric wrote, "my real crush was Mary Tyler Moore in The Dick Van Dyke show.".
Funny how tastes change with age. I also used to think that Mary Tyler Moore was a hottie, along with what's her name that played Samantha on Bewitched. Don't find either all that appealing anymore. Not that they're unattractive now, just not something that gets me going.
I thought Mary Ann was a hottie back then, just as I do now. Never was too impressed with Ginger (Tina Louise). I noticed, though, in Louise's Wikipedia page, there's a link to some Tina Louise fan club web page that says something along the line of her being one of the all time prettiest actors Hollywood ever had.
I don't know about that but, then again, there's no accounting for people's tastes.
I wrote, "with what's her name that played Samantha on Bewitched.".
Elizabeth Montgomery was the name I was looking for.
Yes, ELizabeth Montogomery played Samantha Stevens on "Bewitched". I believed she passed away many years ago from breast cancer.
As a young'n I lost a lot of DNA over Ginger. WOW!
It was the Skipper's weed, not hers', just for the record. And "anonymous," your lost DNA comment seriously made me spit out my diet coke all over my keyboard. Thanks for the laugh!
Was your sweet Mary Ann home-schooled?
Who knows, or cares?
Sandi wrote, "It was the Skipper's weed, not hers', just for the record.".
Except the "Skipper" was Alan Hale, Jr. He died some while back, unless I'm mistaken.
Hmmm...well I guess then she was lying. Go figure!
Elizabeth Montgomery was reportedly bisexual. That triggered in my teenage brain fantasies of her with Barbara Eden, complete with their powers.
I love her excuse about hitchikers. Maybe she was hoping the officer would be influenced by her TV character.
Why do you assume she is lying about that? Or does one liar just assume everyone else is a liar too?
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