Great Johnson LTE Yesterday
This letter to the editor of the Times- Standard was one of the best I've read lately. Wouldn't you just love to meet the guy that wrote it?
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
This letter to the editor of the Times- Standard was one of the best I've read lately. Wouldn't you just love to meet the guy that wrote it?
I normally loath Democratic State Senator Ted Lieu, but I'm with him on this one. He's sponsored a bill that would make it illegal to require rent only be paid online.
Short but Interesting piece in the National Review here about swing voters. Republican strategist Frank Luntz interviews a group of average voters to see what they're thinking, how to appeal to them, what works and what doesn't.
The Washington Examiner has a good commentary on the insanity of the ethanol mandate. Corn is in short supply because of the drought, yet over 40% of the nation's corn is being diverted to produce ethanol- a gas additive that even environmentalists are beginning to view as a sham. Food and gas prices are rising as a result.
John, over at the Like You've Got Something Better To Do blog is asking for help. He wants everyone to go to this North Coast Journal poll and vote him in as the Best Humboldt Blog. I'll go along with that. I find his blog entertaining- pictures are often hilarious, albeit sometimes overdone- and he posts often enough.
This fun piece in Reason magazine does a great job of showing what myself and others (that often watch from afar) see among fraternal partisan types during elections.
I've always been skeptical of efforts to deal with drug problems. The Times- Standard reports some local people and agencies are concerned about prescription drug abuse. No doubt we'll be seeing some sort of educational or awareness campaign towards that end in the months to come.
I'll admit my eyes gloss over when hearing about some financial issues, the Federal Reserve being one of them. But, I keep hearing people I respect bring it up over and over so I felt I had to watch this short YouTube video (less than 5 minutes)explaining the Fed. Nicely done, by a news commentator.
Sorry, but I think the story on this supposed meth lab that was found not far from my house in Eureka is a bunch of hype. The cops find it during a probation search, then claim it's so bad they have to call in help from out of the area to clean it up. Right.
For unknown reasons, the City of Eureka's first choice for a new police chief declined the offer. I would expect the powers- that- be might take the 2nd and 3rd choices into consideration but maybe that's not the way it's done?
Discussion once again over at Humboldt Herald about improving Humboldt Bay's access to ships. Some think we can make Humboldt Bay a World Class Port. I'm skeptical of that and pointed out how small the entrance to the bay is. I can't imagine more than one decent sized ship going through it at a time.
Something we don't often consider in presidential elections is that those elections aren't really nationwide in the sense of a popular vote.
Congressman Mike Thompson endorsed Melinda Ciarabellini in her quest for another term on the Eureka City Council. Wow! How exciting!
I've commented before opposing current proposals to tear down the O'Shaughnesy Sam and drain the Hetch Hetchy Valley. That dam and its lake being a major source of water for the San Francisco Bay Area. In short, this state needs more water storage and infrastructure, not less.
I bring this up because I'm tired of hearing the main stream media suggest over and over that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. As reminds us, nearly all intelligence agencies believe Iran abandoned their nuclear weapons program some years ago.
This piece from The Economist magazine is probably the best I've read on state run sex offender registries and their abuse. They also point out that most attempts to change the system end up in reformers being labeled supporters of child molesters. I've found that true even if you simply criticize it.
A number of blogs, local and otherwise, haven't been updated in months. Among them are Bob Huck's, Chocolate Covered Xanax and Lynette's NorCal History blog. Special shame with Lynette's as I really enjoyed the local history.