Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Eureka's New Tank

Like it? It's the new tactical response vehicle Eureka Police was just given by the federal government. How it works is the feds give surplus military gear, guns and vehicles to domestic law enforcement agencies. Even small police departments take advantage of the program.

So they're arming themselves to the teeth while the efforts to disarm the American citizenry continue. Police State anyone?
Hat tip to the Lost Coast Outpost for the picture. As I pointed out there, Radley Balko has been writing about this sort of thing for some time. His book Rise of the Warrior Cop covers it all. I noticed doing a search for his book there's some free YouTube videos available related to the book but I haven't had time to check them out.


At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what the lowboy fee was. It looks like a local guy got the haul anyway if the color of the trailer indicates who I think it is. What about upkeep and maintenance? I guess the EPD has plenty of cash. And yes the militarization of the police is alive and well in HuCo.

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

What about upkeep and maintenance?.

I don't know but I'm sure that thing doesn't get much more than 3 or 4 miles per gallon, if that. Be expensive to drive anywhere.

At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think they even get a mile to the gal. I wonder if this was surplus or a new production run for the DHS they did order 7600 of these the year before last.I always said ied worry about the militant police when I started to see it local, well....Looks like we're all living in Volusia

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it makes my wonder how many Vets are going to have flash backs that have PTSD when they see this thing coming down the road.

At 10:38 AM, Anonymous democraticJon said...

Fred, a repost of an unanswered LoCO comment of mine that takes us back to another thread...

Fred, I think having something like that in our community is a body blow for democracy. However... let's say there is a movement that says that violence is necessary
and justified? And this movement happens to have a ton of guns? In that light it kinda makes sense. At the end of the day, those men are our boys and they have to come home alive to their families. If you were their boss, wouldn't you keep this on hand in case you are called upon to go into an armed household? Also, have you seen some of the armories that come with the drug trade?

In our twisted drug and gun culture, this beast is the logical next step. I guess the 2nd amendment now allows for shoulder fired missiles next right?

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

... At the end of the day, those men are our boys....

And I'd argue so are the boys they might go after.

I'm not sure I can think of many instances where armored vehicles were used to good effect by domestic police forces.

There was the stand off at Ruby Ridge and the massacre at Waco, but those aren't quite stellar examples we'd like to see repeated.

One that comes to mind was the shootout in East(?)L.A. with the two bank robbers that had a trunk full of automatic weapons. An armored car was used to good effect there in rescuing a wounded and stranded LAPD officer, but that was a privately owned armored vehicle owned by some security company that happened to be passing by- Brinks, or some such.

And although LAPD had firearms capable of dealing with that horrific situation- in fact at least one officer with an AR15 was within hundreds of feet of the bad guy- the tactical team that arrived and shot the surviving shooter got their AR15s from where? A private gun store nearby.

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous democraticJon said...

Yes, but the police boys (and girls) are serving us, we owe them the best chance of survival. I don't like that vehicle. I don't support us having it. I think the answer is government control of weapons. I understand we disagree. I think you are wrong and misguided. I also think if there are movements that are so disengaged from the process that they believe violence is necessary and justified, then I think our boys (and girls) deserve the best chance to come home alive. It's a matter of OSH (A) to me. Occupational Health and Safety. Our boys (and girls) are following orders, the other boys and girls are doing their own thing.

Apparently one of the commenters at LoCO saw a similar vehicle at the Connecticut shooting btw. A well armed lone shooter may be one use.

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Steve Lewis said...

Why is no one thinking non-lethal defense weaponry? The escalation of violence will be automatic given society's lack of interest in alternative methods of treating violent criminals and/or potentially violent situations. The escalation of violence will continue as long as society condones the massive distribution of violent imagery and violent plots all through the viewing day and night programming minds to copy what they see on TV and in the movies. Yes, we are creating our own violent scripts acted out by real people seeing how it's done from watching movies. You play enough violent imagery and games and you program yourself for violent responses when the real situation looks similar to what you saw in the movies. It's just like you build a casino and the gamblers come running. You provide violence with money-making opportunity and the people come running, some with guns..

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous just me said...

nice day out there...
(i can't find that article i'm using for reference here)...
yesterday i read an article about one of these machines being picked up in northern wa state (perhaps frt lewis) driven to it's new home, a police dept. in oregon st.

the guy who drove it "home" said it got about 9mpg.
then...they said the merv's either decommissioned in '08 or were built in '08. hmmm...
i did leave with the impression the merv's were not very old and were not in "service" very long.

i'm glad the kent ohio city police didn't have access to this vehicle back on Monday, May 4, 1970.
but then again, if the police did have one, there would have been no need for the calling in of that national guard unit to the protest at kent state univ.

they police would have quelled that protest fast with a few lobbed mortar shells at the students. am i right?

"ohio" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, and many many other songs about kent state would never (needed)been written and sung.

At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who asked for the tank? Did the city council approve this? The reason I ask is it makes no sense for EPD to have it. EPD SWAT was disbanded years ago. Makes more sense for the Shetiff to have it and maintain it. They actually have a SWAT team. Why should Eureka taxpayers foot the bill? Seems like the cost should be split out for everyone to bear if this is in fact necessary. But seriously, who in Eureka approved this? If it was just Murl, than what other financial commitments can the acting police chief get the taxpayers to pay for? Eureka needs to get its act together big time... last year we were talking about closing the zoo, now we can maintain a tank??

At 7:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

History would dictate this is a very naive statement given the government's full control over your ability to protect yourself is just stupid. the Supreme Court has ruled time and time again that the government has no mandate to protect your life all they do is enforce the laws that they made

At 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No comments on why the Government has soooooo many of these things to give away to local law enforcement ? Why this admisistration is giving so many away ???

I have heard that these type of vehicles get 5-9 mpg, can't say with certainty that is correct but we can assume the vehicle will not be used that much. So the mph is really an issue?

These vehicles are used by ICE and other fed agencies. A college police department got one! They are giving away $700,000 vehicles so why not take one?

At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By army local law enforcement the feds are setting up strategic stockpiles of weapons all around the United States theres gotta be a reason for this and its not to fight crime


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