Saturday, October 05, 2013

My State of Jefferson Letter

I wrote a letter to the editor of the Times- Standard last Friday. It was in reply to a My Word commentary suggesting Humboldt would be a good addition to the State of Jefferson. They apparently didn't approve of it as it never got published. Since they didn't, I'll post it here, although I've already written pretty much the same thing here not long ago:

I appreciate Phil Elcock's desire for Humboldt to join the proposed State of Jefferson (My Word, 9/27), but there's a problem: 

This is not the Humboldt it was when I moved up here 40 years ago. Now it's become an extension of the Bay Area, both culturally and politically. We're part of the problem those other northern counties want to get away from.

Look no further than recent elections where over 60% of the votes went for Wes Chesbro, Jared Huffman and Dianne Feinstein- three people who have done their fair share of creating the California we suffer through today. Those voters come with the county if we join Jefferson.

Why bring the problem with your when you form a separate state? Let's wish the State of Jefferson well, but they should leave Humboldt out for their best chance of success.

A State of Jefferson spokesman will be addressing the Humboldt Taxpayer's League next Wednesday. I sent a copy of my letter to their Executive Director. Hopefully, he'll have time to show it to him. I'd be interested in what the SOJ fellow has to say.


At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that was painful to read

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Yep. Tough realizing you're part of the problem, huh?

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I not sure I'm ready to group Huffman in this group...Chesbro-complete waste of skin, Feinstein-urban 1% agenda, Huffman? I don't sense he's ready to become a lockstep party lacky, god I hope not.

At 2:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're writing is atrocious

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...


Huffman is very much the big government nanny stater. During his time in the state assembly he sponsored or at least supported just about very nanny state law that was introduced, one recent one being he sponsored the bill to shut off the flow of eggs from outside the state. He also introduced a bill to ban metal baseball bats. Granted, the baseball bat thing was said to be only temporary but it goes to show how far reaching government should be.

He is one that thinks government should be involved in every aspect of our lives. That so many people in Humboldt voted for him surely should surely give the Jefferson folks pause about dragging us along into a new state.

At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only reason people vote for them is because they are Democrats people dont actually investigated who the candidates really are just their party affiliations that's why we gotta get away from the two party system it makes it too easy for people to be lazy

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

The only reason people vote for them is because they are Democrats people dont actually investigated who the candidates really are just their party affiliations....

Agreed, but that's all that matters when all is said and done: Who they vote for.

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Update: Looks like the Times- Standard published my letter today. Figured they wouldn't since I sent it in over a week ago. I didn't see it online when I checked this morning but the wife pointed it out in the hard copy.

At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right on Fred, it's undeniable.


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