School Dress Codes
Both Mission Viejo and University High School, that I attended for a while, had dress codes. As I recall their dress code was much the same as the one in the story: Guy's hair couldn't touch the collar or ears, and no beards or mustaches. Also, girls couldn't wear pants except on a Pant's Day that as held two or three times a year.
I hated it, being a punk yippie. Eventually, some of us managed to get around the hair requirements by buying "short hair wigs". Those were pretty much just normal wigs except the hair on them met the dress code requirements. You'd put the wig on and stuff your longer hair under the wig. Looked kind of stupid but served its purpose. Once you left campus, the wig came off.
I managed to get away from the dress code entirely after I weaseled my way into continuation school. Hillview High School didn't have a dress code.
I don't believe Eureka High School has a dress code. I recall working near there one day and a group of girls were hanging out nearby. For some reason they reminded me of dress codes and I mentioned it to them. They seemed pretty unhappy even at the suggestion of one.
Anybody know of any schools in the area that still have dress codes?