Friday, March 10, 2006

Mayo vs. Geist

I was surprised to see Dennis Mayo come out so strongly against Supervisor Jill Geist. I could see him maybe not being too supportive of her but I didn't think he'd be so down on Geist he'd write a guest commentary denouncing her.


At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis is entitled to his opinion, right or wrong. His open beach issue is important and he is passionate about it, but he shouldn't be a one issue pony. Consensus building is often the only way to keep opposing sides from killing each other and there are two very divergent opposing sides on the beach issue. I am for open beaches, but also for Jill.

Dennis...Bad dog, bad bad dog - go take a time out!

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Agreed. I'm just surprised that he felt so strong about Geist he'd go after her in a guest commentary. His usual tone in commentaries is kind of a "can't we just all get along.." thing, or so that was the way I read them.

At 9:10 AM, Blogger ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

"...refusal to take a position on issues, playing both ends against the middle, doesn’t make her a “centrist,” nor does it serve the public’s interest. It is simple shabby politics."

Mayo should have left out the adjective "shabby". Geist appears to be Hillary writ small. She will go far if she is cunning enough to hide her leftist agenda from the north county moderates.

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope - remember Salzman and Ornelas floating the "dump Geist" bumper stickers? Seems that if you are makinf both sides mad, maybe you really are a centrist. Maybe, just maybe, there is a real compromise.

At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ doesn't know anything about Geist or Fifth District politics. Geist's only real opponents are a few people on the far left. They're upset because she voted against hiring an outside attorney to take on Palco. They're also upset because she didn't waste time backing Gallegos during the recall. I suspect she knew that the Palco suit was doomed to fail and would only result in drama and division – which is exactly what happened. Mayo is upset will Geist because of her position on closing Clam Beach to vehicles. But, she has yet to actually vote on that closure. So how does Mayo's bashing of Geist help his cause?

Geist has no serious opponents in the election and will win by a landslide.

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Incidentally, there is no "Save the Plover" poster in Jill's office. It says "We Share The Beach" - it is the same sign that is posted on the kiosks at Clam Beach. I know because I designed it - and there was a great deal of emphasis made on the concept of keeping the beaches open and encouraging people to respect each other while there, whether on foot, on horseback, or with their dogs.

We expressly avoided all the negative "NO" language that is prevalent on the State's signs along the beach. Those State signs are not welcoming to tourists or residents, and have no place on a publicly owned beach - in my opinion.

I generally support Dennis' Open Beaches, but he is dead wrong about Jill Geist.

At 7:40 PM, Blogger ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

Anonymous 5:37: "ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ doesn't know anything about Geist or Fifth District politics."

You're half right. ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ only lived in the 5th district for 14 years and was acquainted with Paul Kirk. Does ANYONE know much about Geist except that she is adept at playing both ends against the middle? She will be re elected and is probably tweedle dee as opposed to the other collectivist tweedle dum. Good luck Humboldt Soviet.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Humboldt Soviet?

At 6:26 AM, Blogger ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

Soviet: [a] (n) any of the various governing councils established during the bolshevik revolution elected by the communist party representing the various local, intermediate or regional areas: [b] any similar council in a socialist governing system. Definition [b] applicable in this instance. See history 101 probably not available in govt. schools: :o)


At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are no communists on the Board of Supervisors. There are some communists in Humboldt County, but the two I know do NOT support Geist.

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Using the word Soviet is fun, kind of like calling people Nazis. But it's not accurate and doesn't describe reality.

At 7:41 PM, Blogger ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

anonymous 2:12: Great. The only one who Leonidas knows that is honest enough to characterize himself as a communist in Humboldt County is currently registered as Green and teaching in a government school there. He will be voting for tweedle dum.

anonymous 11:26: What's that old cliche (if the shoe fits?) Been to an Arcata city council meeting lately?


At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the discussion was about the Fifth District race and the Board of Supervisors – not the Arcata City Council.

At 12:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good God - not the Arcata City Council!

At 5:12 AM, Blogger ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

Anonymouses 2:12 and 8:36 wanted to discuss the term "soviet". These threads will often wander when participants lack data (e.g. anonymous 8:36). Soviets often held secret meetings on subjects unrelated to their legitimate purposes such as:
March 1, 2006 CLOSED SESSION: 4. INTERVIEW CANDIDATES for Nuclear Weapons Free Zone and Peace Commission.
Are the "Peace Commissars" remunirated by the taxpayers for this important task or do they volunteer? Is this a function for which an urban outdoorsman can qualify?


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