Monday, December 12, 2016

Info On The Drought

The Sacramento Bee asks whether the wet start to the winter has the state out of the drought. Eureka even gets a mention:

"North of Sacramento, some places have seen huge jumps over last year’s rainfall totals. In Eureka, the 20.7 inches of rain received since Oct. 1 dwarfs the 9.97 inches that fell during the same period in 2015. At 14.83 inches, Redding has seen nearly 10 more inches of rain since Oct. 1 than during the same period last year."

It looks like the south part of the state is still parched, but what we really need is snow, as the article points out:

 "State water officials are expected to have a better sense of the drought outlook after they conduct the first snowpack measure of the season, later this month or early next. Sierra snowmelt typically constitutes about a third of the state’s water supply, replenishing reservoirs throughout the spring and summer."

It almost seems to me they're hesitant to say some areas are no longer in a drought. My guess is because their hysterical environmentalist mindset has them wanting water conservation regardless of circumstances.


At 9:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

long range forecast says the drought will be over this year for the top 1/3 of calif. but will continue for bottom 2/3 .
and since calif. gov uses the rain total for entire state to determine if drought is over or not , then if they way below normal down south , the gov will say drought continues .
although some water restrictions could be lifted


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