Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fisheries Looked At

Looks like someone is finally trying to take a look at the state of California's fisheries. I'm probably not alone in thinking they're breathing their last gasp, although perhaps I'm being unduly pessimistic.

As an aside, the Terry Tilman the Times- Standard refers to in the article is, I believe, the same Terry Tillman that used to work for Ecological Analysis Inc. and supervised some biological studies being done at the Humboldt Bay Power Plant when I worked there.

But speaking of fisheries, I was surprised to read in the The Daily Triplicate that Crescent City brings in more dollars per catch than other ports, including Eureka, although other ports bring in more fish. Not sure how that works(?).

The Triplicate article makes it sound like they're doing pretty good with fishing and they want to expand their fish processing operations. One of their biggest obstacles seems to be, believe it or not, effluent discharge. Apparently, the fish processor is having difficulty meeting waste water standards.

Where have we heard that before? Hey, I'm certainly all for clean water, but I have to wonder just how harmful it is releasing what must be basically fish juice back into the ocean?

In any case, let's wish Crescent City luck in their efforts to expand their fish processing operations.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I hate it when things like this new swine flu come up. They scare me now. I didn't think much of them when I was younger but now, especially since the wife is potentially an at risk person- being at least a little immune deficient- they're horrifying to me.

I have to tell myself maybe this is being blown at least a bit out of proportion and I need not worry as much about it as I tend to. After all, new varieties of flu are discovered all the time and don't people already die in the tens of thousands each year from flu in this country every year? Maybe this is nothing special?

I was reminded of the bird flu from a few years ago. I was scared with that one but nothing really came of it, despite all the hype.

This letter to the editor to the Santa Rosa Press- Democrat adds a different perspective to the pandemic issue than most of what I've been hearing:

Out of proportion?

EDITOR: First of all, a pandemic is defined as a flu or virus that occurs in a large geographic area, perhaps a continent.

Secondly, let’s do the math. Mexico City’s metropolitan area is the largest city in the Western hemisphere, more than 22 million people, approximately 9 million in the inner city. Worldwide, it is second only to Tokyo and Shanghai in population. Mexico City has the greatest air pollution and incidence of respiratory disease in the Western hemisphere. As of Monday, there were 22 confirmed deaths from swine flu, 103 suspected and 1,600 possibly infected. Out of 9 million people 103 deaths would be about 1000th of 1 percent. It would take 90,000 people to die of this flu to equal 1 percent of just the inner city population. World-wide the number infected is far less. And yes, I know that every life, every loved one, is precious.

And so thirdly and, most importantly, I ask why is this particular cyclic event being so blown out of proportion in our world-wide media and in our present day collective psyche?


Santa Rosa

Thanks. I feel better now.... I think.

Update, May 1: Looks like this thing might have been a flash- in- the- pan.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lefties & Prop 1A

Boy, are the arguments for and against Prop 1A coming out of the woodwork? I'm seeing them all over the place. This is one of those rare instances where it seems even the hard- core Left can't agree on an issue.

On one hand, we have Steve Maviglio arguing the Left should support 1A, well... as best I can read him... because it pretty much maintains the status quo. Again; that's if I'm reading him right.

Next, we have Phil Angeledes saying vote NO to 1A because, well......I guess he's saying it won't allow the state to spend more money. He seems to think the answer to the state's fiscal problems is to give Democrats more control by removing the 2/3 majority requirement and, if 1A fails, Democrats just might win that battle.

I certainly don't think we should try and maintain the status quo or try to spend more. Reading their arguments has me more confused than ever as to how I'll vote on it. I've been thinking of just standing aside on 1A, as the greens like to say, and not vote on that one. I might just stick with that.

Blowing Up Boxes?

Well, they tried. A bill sponsored by the Governator and backed by Republicans would have eliminated the state's Integrated Waste Management Board and spread its duties out among other agencies. Long thought of as a safe hideaway for former politicians and their friends, It seemed to me most Californians would have liked to see it gotten rid of.

But that was not to be. The Democrats, who have controlled the state legislature for decades, opposed the bill and none voted for it. They won, the people of the state lost.

I'll admit to being very disappointed in many of the positions the Governator has taken in the past, but he has tried to "blow up the boxes", at least some of them. He just didn't realize the power of the self- serving machine that dominates this state and is likely to continue to dominate the state for the foreseeable future.

Monday, April 27, 2009

State Budget: Crunching The Numbers

Nice letter in the Santa Rosa Press- Democrat from someone who actually crunched the numbers regarding spending vs. growth:

In the April 19 paper, a very convenient lie was used by those planning to increase taxes: “State spending swells largely due to population growth and inflation, (Assemblywoman Noreen) Evans said. ‘We’re running as fast as we can to stay in place.’” (“Will grumpy voters bail out the state?”)

The state budget for fiscal year 1989-90 was $48 billion and the population of California was 30 million. For fiscal year 2008-09, the budget was $135 billion and the population was 36.7 million. That is a 22 percent increase in population and a 177 percent increase in spending. Assuming a 3 percent inflation rate, $48 billion increases to $81 billion in 18 years.

The same calculations can be done on the federal government budget and the budgets for Santa Rosa, Petaluma and Rohnert Park. Tax revenue is not the problem. It’s the spending, stupid.


Santa Rosa

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our Brave New World

I found this piece in the San Bernadino Sun rather frightening. It's about even stricter smoking ordinances from local governments a- la- Glass. The prohibitionists are in full force in this country, despite the growing movement to decriminalize marijuana and other drugs. One fellow's statement pretty much sums up their attitude:

"...With Medicare, Medi-Cal ... the government is responsible for these bills and the government is going to have a say in how people lead their lives.

While that guy describes himself as a Republican with a libertarian bent, I'd suggest this country could use a lot less of his type.
As an aside, the latest federal tax increase on tobacco products (Obama's first tax on the poor) has doubled their price with a 6oz can of Bugler tobacco now costing over $40.00, up from around $19.00 before. You folks better start thinking about who you're going to tax next to make up for the shortfall if a bunch of people stop smoking or the tobacco markets go even further underground.

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me. - Martin Niemoller


A Lone Ranger

The Washington Post looks at a lobbyist for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition's work and attitudes about drug reform in congress.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

PG&E: Hirings (and Layoffs?)

I was surprised to read that the new power plant being built at King Salmon is supposed to be operational by next summer. I guess the jobs related to that construction won't last as long as I'd thought. I was thinking at least five years.

But rumor has it, and I stress the word RUMOR, PG&E won't be keeping the operators of the current power plant on. They'll be replacing them since it would cost too much to retrain them, if that makes any sense.

That's second or third hand information the wife related to me via a brother- in- law that is one of the current operators and has been for over 20 years. I just asked her again if he was still supposed to be laid off and she said they're not sure about anything yet.

I have a hard time believing that and suspect it's a rumor started somewhere, but I guess you never know.

Why Leave California?

The Orange County Register takes a look this morning at why businesses are leaving the state. The comments with the article are fairly informative, as well.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Latest Rage...

in Eureka, Anyway.

You might have seen these huge 96 gallon waste bins showing up around town if you've been through Eureka, lately. Most of them are colored green but it looks like they ran out of the green ones so some just have green tape on them. They're green waste receptacles.

I was wondering how much they cost as I knew someone that was using them, but I never had the chance to ask. Finally, the wife was hacking on our fig tree, ending up with the usual pile of debris, and she suggested maybe we should look in to how much the big bins cost. I reluctantly agreed to check.

I go to City Garbage fairly regularly but sometimes I just don't have time to throw the green waste around the house in the back of the truck. We actually generate enough organic debris we could use something like that.
As it is, an awful lot of our cuttings just end up staying on the ground where they were cut.

So a couple weeks ago I went in to dump green waste and stopped at the office and asked about the green waste bins. $3.00 a month (if you already have garbage service), I was told, and I believe they pick up weekly. SOLD!

Now we have the bin sitting out in our back yard and we have all week to go around finding stuff to put in it. Of course, it will take some time to cut up all the fig branches to fit them inside the bin, but better than hassling with hauling down to City Garbage in my truck.

Connie suggested I could probably just dump all the grass from work in the bin and forego trips to the dump. Problem is I get much more than I could fit in that bin this time of year. I am thinking, though, in late summer and fall when I don't have so much grass to deal with, it might be worth renting an extra one. I might be able to save money and trips to the dump by doing so.

I see more and more people signing up for these bins. In the last week I've found two customers with them in their back yards. The other day I saw a truck with a trailer full of them driving down my street.

As much as I'm pissed off about mandatory garbage service, I think these are a bargain. Of course, they probably could have offered these bins without forcing everything else on everybody.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Weintraub Looks At Prop 1B

The Sacramento Bee's, Dan Weintraub, takes a look at Prop 1B this morning. Looks like he agrees with Tom Campbell that a NO vote is in order.
Oh, and speaking of Prop 1F (which would disallow pay raises for legislators when there's a budget deficit): I don't know if it would have applied in this case, but more than 120 state assembly aides were recently given raises according to the Sacramento Bee. This, apparently without regard to current and projected budget shortfalls.

As always, if asked for a login to the SacBee web site, you can use humboldtlib as a username and blogspot for a password.

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Another Bad Obama Nomination

Hey, I think I've been pretty cool regarding the Obama Administration, for the most part. Not that I've dealt with it much here. But, some more bad news from a libertarian perspective in his most recent nomination.

I've mentioned before one of my least favorite organizations is Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). So who does Obama nominate for head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration? Chuck Hurley, CEO of MADD, of course.

Radley Balko, over at The Agitator blog, tells us some background and a little of what we can expect from Hurley, if he ends up being accepted for the position.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tom Campbell on the Propositions

Past U.S. Congressman, Senate candidate and current gubernatorial hopeful, Tom Campbell, has made his positions on all but one of the upcoming ballot initiatives known. I like his approach although I'm still not sure what to think of Prop 1A (he supports it). I might follow his recommendations on some of the others, though. I'll wait until I read the arguments in the voter pamphlet before I decide.

If nothing else, I can't help but like the guy for taking a calm, objective look at the upcoming election, rather than some of the temper- tantrum- like recommendations we've seen so much of lately.

Just stumbled in to this commentary against Prop 1A. She seems to feel the same way I do that it doesn't go as far as it should. The question is, is Prop 1A the best we can realistically hope for?

As always, if asked for a login at the Sacramento Bee web site, you can use humboldtlib as the username and blogspot as the password.

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Privatize the Zoo?

That's something I don't believe I've ever heard anyone up here discuss. I'm not talking about necessarily selling the zoo lock, stock and barrel, but maybe turn over some functions to private outfits, assuming you can find private companies that do zoo stuff.

I'm not even sure that would solve the funding problems, but other communities have tried, or are about to try similar things. The Santa Rosa Press- Democrat reports Petaluma is considering turning over staffing and day to day operation of their public swimming pools to a private company in light of the city's budget deficit.

Remarkably, they believe the turnover will not only save the city around $260,000 a year, but will also allow them to extend the swimming season. The only expected downside, is fees for swimming lessons will almost triple, from $50.00 to $140.00. Well, at least that should just be a one- time fee for those taking the lessons.

Some years ago I believe it was the City of Redlands(?), in Southern California that had a problem with their library. It was much along the line of complaints I've heard about our county library: Too expensive to run and not accessible to the public. They hired a private company to take over operations. Last I heard money was being saved and open hours had increased.

It would be interesting to see how that library is doing now, and it will be interesting to see how Petaluma's swimming experiment works. Maybe we can apply any lessons learned to the Sequoia Park Zoo?


Saunders on the No- Drillers

The San Francisco Chronicle's Debra Saunders takes a look at the no- drill types that flooded recent offshore drilling hearings held by the Department of the Interior. I agree with with her 100%.

Solar? Wind? Nowhere to use that.

How about that big solar- in- the- desert project that's been floating around for a few years? Doubtful. Dianne Feinstein says no.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Eureka Mulls Inspection Ordinance

From today's Times- Standard:

”There were times when I would be on the living room floor because of gunfire going on,” she said.

I call bullshit on that. I don't think there's anywhere in Eureka where gunfire, or gunfights, are a regular or even occasional problem. I can't recall the last time I heard a gunshot around my house. 4th of July, maybe?

So, the City of Eureka and a number of local busybodies want to start charging landlords $35.00 per unit a year to set up some sort of code inspection program. As usual they mix in just about every reason they can for it.

First, some lady says it all has to do with crime in her neighborhood. Then we're told "slum housing is a common source of criminal behavior". Well, duh!

So I'm guessing Larry Glass and others think that by ensuring rentals are up to code the crime around them will stop? Nope, it's just an excuse- a way to scare people into supporting the ordinance.

And I agreed with at least one of the folks in the T-S' comments section that landlords should make sure tenants pay their fair share of the proposed $35.00 fee, just as they should have charged an additional $15.00 when mandatory garbage service was started in Eureka.

Larry; you're making Eureka an expensive place to live.

Interesting that they're talking about hiring 1 1/2 positions for this code enforcement when the city is supposedly in such dire financial straits. But, I doubt the positions would last even if they do hire someone. They'll just have the people already doing those same inspections keep on doing them and the city pockets the landlord's fees.

If this actually gets started, I'll also predict it won't be the end of it. As one T-S comment stated:

CJ Saint Claire wrote, "... inspections might include police follow-up to reported suspicious activities as noted by whomever would hold this proposed post.

Ahhh, of course. Use this to get access to people's homes to check for criminal activity without a warrant? Where have we seen that before? Southern Humboldt maybe?

You can't help but wonder if that's what this is all about in the long run?


Friday, April 17, 2009

The Tea Parties

Well, it's been a couple days and I've had a chance to read some coverage of the Tea Parties that took place on April 15. Most of the coverage seemed fair, if not favorable, to me. Eureka had a party at its courthouse, as did Ukiah. Sacramento had one had the State Capitol.

Not having attended myself, I was surprised to read of the number of people that showed up. I was also pleased to see that, at least from the news coverage, a fair number of people seemed to be there in protest against the bailouts and overspending that have taken place through both the Bush and Obama regimes.

Certainly, as at least one lefty has pointed out, many of the people in attendance might not have shown up if a Republican was in the White House. But that works both ways. As Justin Raimondo points out, the Left doesn't seem all that bothered by war anymore now that their man is in charge of it.

Still, the finger pointing is predictable between two groups that see things as black and white. I think writer J.D. Tuccille explains it closest to the way I see it on his blog, Disloyal Opposition.

The Other Side's Protests Are Never Legitimate deals a bit with the finger pointing between Left and Right. In Anti- State, not just Anti- Obama he points out that the grievances being brought out at these tea parties shouldn't be attributed to any one person or party, but to the The State and its representatives as a whole.

It was nice to see that, according to the news reports I read, many who attended the parties seemed to understand that.
Addendum: I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry when I got in my truck to go to work today. That Thank Jah Friday talk show was on KMUD. I tuned in right in the middle of the hosts of the show and the callers running down the Tea Parties, and all things non- Left in general.

They go on ranting and raving about how the Republicans are just "sore losers" and just can't get over losing an election and went on with what I felt was a really pathetic rant against the Republicans on just about every issue- real or imagined.

Pathetic as it was, I felt they were doing exactly what they accused the Republicans of doing. How many years did we hear of the stolen election? Eight, at least. And these guys aren't even the losers this time, at least of the last election.

I once again feel vindicated, but couldn't say I'm proud of it. It's a really pathetic situation watching people point fingers at each other not realizing they're all doing the same thing.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Quality Plant Sale

Four family plant sale on Friday& Saturday, April 17&18, 9am to 2pm.
3579 Dolbeer Street, Eureka (across from Kennedy Field near Sequoia Park)

African violtes, steps, rex begonia, fern and hoya (indoor), Angel Trumpet, geranium, hydrangea, flowering current, succulents, cacti, dahlia bulbs, abutalon, azalea, bromeliad, roses, princess bush, bleeding heart, iris, bird of paradise, fuschsia, coral bell, perennial stock, noble fir, lilac.

Artichokes, strawberries, raspberries and other vegetables and more!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Remarkable Woman and Song

This is really remarkable. I first heard about this just a few minutes ago on National Public Radio. I'm guessing this is England's version of American Idol. Note the folks in the audience that seem displeased with her, at first. Then note the accolades.

Hope the link works. I tried to embed it but apparently embedding was "disallowed by request".

A Jailhouse Whistleblower

Nicely written letter in the Ukiah Daily News by an inmate of the Mendocino County Jail shedding some light on wasteful water practices there.

Shame on Mendocino County for ignoring such waste considering the shortage of water they're facing.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More on Prop 1F

This just in via the West Coast Libertarians Yahoo Group. The Republican Liberty Caucus of California's recommendation on Prop 1F:
This "feel good" proposition pretends to freeze legislator's salaries, but it does nothing of the sort. It pretends to be an incentive for responsible budget reductions, but it only guarantees more tax increases when legislators insist that they have to spend more. It does nothing to cut legislator salaries, nor those of the exploding state bureaucracy. This is a con game, to top off the shell games and slush funds of the other propositions.
Looks to me like the RLC is doing the same as so many others are in this upcoming special election and lumping all the propositions as a con game to rip of the people of California. I don't understand where they're coming from or why they're saying the prop pretends to freeze legislator's salaries. Maybe they've read something I haven't?

I don't know, but I suspect this is just another anti- Sacramento temper- tantrum rant. We shall see as more information comes out.

I've said before that I think Prop 1F is in a different category than the others. I stand by that, at least for now, but it will be interesting to see what the ballot arguments in the voter information pamphlet says. For now, I'm voting for it.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Today, April 13, Is Tax Freedom Day 2009

Today is this year's Tax Freedom Day. That's the average day when most of us have worked enough to pay off our federal tax burden. The Tax Foundation tells us it falls eight days earlier this year than last. Kind of hard to believe with all the spending going on but they explain it this way:
(1) the recession has reduced tax collections even faster than it has reduced income, and (2) the stimulus package includes large temporary tax cuts for 2009 and 2010. Nevertheless, Americans will pay more in taxes than they will spend on food, clothing and housing combined.
How a stimulus package that hasn't even really gotten started yet can affect this year's taxes is puzzling. I guess it's in the way they do their figuring and they're looking forward.

Of course, the above refers to the nation as a whole. States all have their own Tax Freedom Day with Alaska having the lowest tax burden. Their Tax Freedom Day is the earliest: March 23.

California finds itself in the top five, which should come as no surprise. In fact I'm surprised we only rank 4th highest with our Tax Freedom Day landing on April 20 this year. The other top five states are (1)Connecticut, (2)New Jersey, (3)New York and (5)Maryland. You can see where the other states rank by scrolling down the Tax Freedom Day web page to the state table.

Anybody want to bet Tax Freedom Day comes later next year?
As far as income taxes go, it seems this time of year and the taxes always cleans me out. We have Melinda Walsh, CPA do ours. It's too complicated when you're self employed to do it myself.

Had my usual scare a few weeks ago when I took my taxes in to be prepared. She did some quick calculations as she always does and came to the conclusion I owed more in taxes than I could pay. I was freaked and was trying to figure how I could deal with it.

Not to worry, though, at least not too much. When I went in to pick them up it was less than half of what she originally calculated. It still nearly cleans me out but at least I wouldn't have make installment payments.

That's actually a good business technique, whether she means it to be one, or not. Makes her the hero of the day knowing she saved you some money. I'd recommend Melinda to others but I don't believe she's accepting new clients at this time.
Speaking of who to blame and who to praise for all our tax worries, The National Taxpayer's Union has their latest congressional ratings up now. Republicans Jeff Flake and Ron Paul take the #1 and 2 positions in the House. Senators DeMint and Barrasso (never even heard of them before) come in #1 and 2 in the Senate.

Locally, our very own Congressman Mike Thompson has a string of Fs in his ratings. I would of thought he'd get at least a D. Likewise our Senators Boxer and Feinstein both have a string of Fs. You can check other congresscritter's scores by searching the NTU database.
With so many states increasing their tax burden on the citizens, even despite federal stimulus funds, some still aren't content. The Wall Street Journal takes a look at New York, a state that seems determined to beat out everyone else for the title of highest taxed state.
And don't forget, Noon on April 15, anti- tax rally in front of the Humboldt County Courthouse. Hmmm...might the Humboldt Democratic Central Committee show up for a counter- protest?

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65 mpg? Not In The U.S.

First I've heard of this kinda new Ford sedan that gets 65 miles to the gallon. Ford doesn't think it could make enough money to sell the cars here. Isn't that something?


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Join The NRA....It's Free!

Looks like the National Rifle Association is giving away free one year trial memberships in order to boost their ranks in anticipation of pending anti- gun legislation. With the Democrats holding the White House and majority of both houses of congress, I'd say that's a valid concern.

That said, I read something somewhere recently that said there were enough pro- second amendment Democrats (albeit still a minority) that, combined with Republicans in congress, they felt the pro- gun rights forces could block most anti- gun legislation. I hope they're right.

Doesn't look like they include a subscription to their American Rifleman magazine in the trial membership deal, but you can have mine if you want. I've been a Life Member of the NRA since the mid- seventies and just don't read the magazine that often anymore.

So give the NRA a try. There's nothing to lose, only your rights to be protected.

Confusion Hill

The Redwood Times takes a look at the owner/ operators of Confusion Hill this week. The Campbells face a big hit to their business when the Confusion Hill Bypass bridge(s) open June 25. Makes you wonder how some of the businesses down by Richardson Grove would feel if a bypass was being built as opposed to a simple realignment?

I was a bit confused when I read about the bridges being opened. Then I realized that the bridge actually consists of two spans that meet by going through the slope of the far side of the river.

I also had to be reminded that Confusion Hill is in Mendocino County. Without thinking much about it I generally consider anything north of Leggett to be part of Humboldt County. It feels like Humboldt to me, anyway.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

LP of CA Makes Ballot Recommendations

I'm still undecided as to how I'll vote on the upcoming special election ballot propositions, with the exception of Prop 1F. That's an easy YES vote.

Various organizations and news media are starting to make their recommendations. The Libertarian Party of California came up with their recommendations recently and it's no surprise to me they recommend NO on all the props except for 1F.

I'm quite impressed they finally added a statement to each prop explaining their position. I've suggested for years that they do exactly that and it seemed to fall on deaf ears, until now.

The Humboldt Taxpayer's League was supposed to discuss the propositions at yesterday's meeting. I'm guessing, if they make any recommendations at all, they'll be along the line of the LP of CA's.

I've seen recommendations from at least one newspaper that was along the line of recommendations the San Diego Union- Tribune made recently. I can't remember the other paper that made a similar recommendation of NO on all the propositions, but I find this sort of blanket recommendation troubling.

Regardless of how one feels about the other props, I don't see any sense in lumping Prop 1F in with the others. It's mixing apples with oranges. Prop 1F simply disallows pay raises for state legislators if the budget is in deficit. It has nothing to do with tax increases or shifting around state funding as the other props do.

Adding that prop to the paper's blanket NO recommendations makes no sense to me. It makes all their recommendations seem more along the line of an anti- Sacramento temper tantrum, which it probably was meant to be.

Addendum: Richard Riordan, former Mayor of Los Angeles, had a critique of sorts on the propositions published a few days ago. He says he might be convinced to vote for them. I don't think he'll get the reforms he wants, though.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Tsunami Stories

If you haven't yet read them yet, The Triplicate has published some reader's stories of their experiences in Crescent City's 1964 tsunami. Some are bit humdrum, or so I thought. This one is pretty good. My favorite is this one that the Triplicate linked to.

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Sunday, April 05, 2009

The Slab

Ren, over at the Ren's World blog, beat me to it. I wanted to do a post on The Slab, eventually, but I never got around to taking pictures of it. He's got some good ones posted although I don't know that any of them do justice to that one REAL tight curve I remember having to go around on The Slab back then.

For those who don't know what The Slab was, it was where 101 passed above the Eel River years ago. It was located between Piercy and Leggett and was a real skinny stretch of road with at least one real tight turn on it that scared me to death even as a teenager. I was surprised even cars could pass each other going through there, never mind trucks but, if you wanted to drive 101 south from Piercy back then, you had to use The Slab.

Thank goodness we were able to build a bypass around that. Anybody remember when the bypass was built? I can't.

If we had some of the enviros around back then that we have today, like the ones opposed to the widening of 101 at Richardson Grove, I can't help but wonder if we'd still be forced to traverse The Slab.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

UDJ Explains Comic Changes

The Ukiah Daily Journal's K.C. Meadows explains changes being made to their comics section in this UDJ video. One change is stopping reruns of the old Peanuts comic series which they've been running for years, as have many others.

Among the reasons for stopping the Peanuts reruns: The Peanuts strip being is one of the most, if not the most, expensive comic strip to run nowadays. Time to move on, she says. I agree:

Water Woes

From everything I've heard (which isn't much) Humboldt seems to have more than enough water to take care of our needs. The rest of the state isn't so lucky.

The Santa Rosa Press- Democrat says Sonoma and Marin Counties water conservation efforts will likely (emphasis on likely) be voluntary this summer. They think the late rains might have eased their drought situation a bit.

The SRPD also reports on a late season snow storm in the Sierras and that the snowpack is at about 81% of its usual content this time of year, but not enough to replenish the major reservoirs. Still, 81% isn't bad in my book. It could be worse.

A few miles to the north of Sonoma County, the Ukiah Daily Journal reports Mendocino County water officials consider their situation serious. They're worried about their reservoirs running dry.

Meanwhile, the Sacramento Bee has a chat with an Australian water official and goes over some of the things Australia has been doing to deal with its 8 year Millenium Drought.

As always, if asked for a login to the Sacramento Bee web site, you can use humboldtlib as the username and blogspot for a password.


New Advertisers In Town

Maybe a couple weeks ago I first saw these guys driving by my house. Anybody else? Different sign, but same kind of truck and the photo doesn't really show the truck looking as odd as it does.

That's actually a flatbed truck and the sign on the bed is 3 or 4 feet wide, if you looked at the truck from the front or behind. Looks rather strange on the road.

I couldn't figure out what the truck was all about except the sides of the big thing on the bed said something about Chase Bank.

Then I saw it again yesterday on Henderson Street while I was driving to Winco. I noticed on the back of the sign a url: I checked it when I got home and come to find out these guys drive, or walk around, advertising for people.

I suppose a welcome is in order for a new business in town. I'll have to say, though, I wonder about the efficacy of their advertising if I couldn't figure out what they were about until I went to the advertiser's web page?

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Taxes Go Up Today

Cartoon courtesy of the San Diego Union- Tribune