Check out Zombie's Blog
She always has a good one.
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
I'm trying to figure out why I think it's wrong what a couple neighborhood kids were doing yesterday.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, you might be able to register to vote online in a year or two. I guess they're going to merge records with the Department of Motor Vehicles and use your driver's license signature for verifications. Sounds good to me.
I agree with this guy in regards Dave Stancliff's recent column in the Times- Standard. I can't find the column online but Stancliff spent his entire effort in a thinly veiled attack on John McCain.
Reason magazine takes a look at America's most restrictive cities. Chicago is the winner.
Not sure what to think about the City of Eureka taking over control of the old Jefferson School. Seems the two "progressives" on the Eureka City Council want to buy the property so the city can control what it's ultimately used for. The want to use redevelopment money they have stashed away to make the buy.
I'm on the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes e- mail list. They send you an e-mail just about every day with a link they want you to click on. Usually you get an entry into their multi- million dollar sweep every time you click on the link.
.., just making an observation in regards the guy arrested for the murder of that girl from Crescent City:
This just in from Marcy Burstiner:
Sounds like this family might already be in the process of being evicted from a house in Petaluma. Might they move to your neighborhood next?
So now we know who the lefties are in the upcoming Eureka City Council race.
Will code enforcement in the United States end up as it has in Great Britian? It wouldn't surprise me at all.
Today's Times- Standard tells of some local instances of police using the internet to arrest people. Here's a story about prosecutors using the internet not just to prosecute, but to get stiffer sentences for some defendants in drunk driving cases.
Looks like people are going to have to start paying to go to the Sequoia Park Zoo pretty soon. I've said before that user fees seem like one of the fairer ways to pay for things. I don't know about the proposed four dollars, though. I was thinking maybe one or two bucks.
Just noticed this new web site on Humguide. It's all about the upcoming conversion of nearly all television broadcaster's signal to digital format. The requirement to switch to digital being some sort of gift from the FCC, or some such outfit.
Interesting commentary in the Los Angeles Times this morning taking a look at the 40% increase in state spending over the last four years. The writer points out that, while we can certainly follow the money's trail, the money doesn't seem to have made much of a noticeable difference to most people.
But no really big deal. You'll remember that cell phone I said I won a week or two ago. One of you said it likely could only be used with Verizon. Well, you were right. Just called U.S. Cellular and they said those phones aren't compatible with their system. So, I guess I'll just buy one of those cheap phones at Rite- Aid along with a pre- paid card as that sounds like the best deal for someone who hardly ever uses a cell phone.
I decided to take a peek at the initiatives that will be on the ballot this November. Looks like there are eleven,so far. Forgive me for shortening the titles:
Just in case anybody missed the article Carol referred to in the comments from the post below, I get another fifteen minutes of fame having been included in an article from the Eureka Reporter that ran this morning.
Randy Cassingham, This Is True
I have removed the main message on this post. The guy that
runs this "This Is True" mailer, that I gave a plug to,
seems to be -a certifiable nut case. I haven't seen
anything this weird since
I've been online.
I was going to post the message he sent to our very own
Leonidas, but he seems to know how to screw up the
formatting so it can't be used, or pasted on this blog.
I'd like to see him shut down. Any suggestions?
Here's an idea. I added his name to the top of this post.
Maybe the search engines will pick up on it and when folks
do a search for him or his web site, they'll be sent here.
They finally did it. The Santa Rosa Press- Democrat reports they've raised the toll to cross the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco by one dollar, effective September 1. Now it will cost you $6.00 and they might raise it a dollar more.
I don't know which group is worse as far as idol worship goes: Some of my fellow Ron Paul fans or the Obama worshipers? I guess I'll never understand those that fixate on someone day in and day out. But, whatever floats your boat.
Am I the only one unable to get online now?
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that this firefighter drowned up on the Trinity River. I knew one guy that drowned up by the Forks of the Salmon when there wasn't a whole lot of water to drown in.
Looks like I was right a few days ago when I commented on Kym's blog that it's unusual for the National Guard to actually do hands on firefighting. I worked on at least a couple fires back when I was in the Guard and all we ever did was support work like driving trucks or traffic control.
Looks like the editor of the Ukiah Daily Journal, K.C. Meadows, has joined up with the North Coast Railroad Authority and wants rail service restored on the North Coast.
I love Dave Gundersen. So says Andrew Bird, anyway. Rose loves him, too, according to Andrew.
Don't know that I've ever noticed the Arcata Eye's online police logs before, although I stop by the Eye's web site four or five times a month. Well, I might have read the logs before but just wasn't paying much attention.
Kudos to Jim Romick of Eureka for pointing out something that should be pointed out more often. I've gotten a little tired of hearing about the oil company's supposed windfall profits. They certainly have made a lot of money, but they're still getting the same profit margin they always have which is considerably less than some other industries make.
Enough has been said about today being the first day of the new cell phone restriction while driving. I'm glad to see the CHP won't be giving warnings. Despite being opposed to this law in the first place, now that it's been passed, go get 'em CHP. You have my blessing.
As would be expected, the Eureka City Council is tossing around ideas for tax increases once again. I mentioned here, earlier on, that I'd probably be opposed to that parcel tax proposal to help fund the fire departments if only because it would be one of many tax increase proposals we'd likely be seeing. I was right.