Romney and Obama's Foreign Policy
Nice Reason magazine piece by Sheldon Richman on Romney and Obama's claims to each being the best one to shape events in the Middle East. His counterpoint isn't usually brought up in coverage of their campaigns.
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
Nice Reason magazine piece by Sheldon Richman on Romney and Obama's claims to each being the best one to shape events in the Middle East. His counterpoint isn't usually brought up in coverage of their campaigns.
Yet another company closes in California. Campbell's soup is closing its Sacramento processing facility throwing 700 people out of work. The majority of that plant's production will be shifted to their three remaining plants in other states.
Speaking of panhandling, anybody else get a look at the young folks panhandling on the corner of Central Avenue and Henderson at the Eureka Mall just after noon today? They certainly have a different approach to it.
Reason magazine takes a look at 3 marijuana legalization initiatives being voted on this November. Polls show Oregon's is in trouble, but the two in Colorado and Washington are polling well. The writer suggests if even one passes legislators will have to start taking marijuana reform efforts more seriously.
Went down to San Francisco again Sunday. I paid special attention to political bumper stickers while driving. The idea being to gauge support for candidates and get some idea of interest in the upcoming election.
Here's a pedestrian safety idea I can get behind. Placing LOOK signs on the street at crosswalks wont be a panacea for ending vehicle vs. pedestrian accidents, but it does encourage responsibility on the part of pedestrians. Making them feel safer, as most pedestrian safety efforts do nowadays, just seems to make people more careless.
J.D. Tuccille of Reason magazine looks at President Obama's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, a provision of which allows indefinite detention of Americans suspected of ties to terrorism.
Not my exact choice, the way it's worded. Gary Johnson supporters across the country worry about Romney getting votes that might otherwise go to Johnson. Votes for Romney, especially in a state like California where he has no chance of winning, are essentially wasted.
I agree. The new Obama hand sign is creepy. I wonder if Capt. Future, over at Bill's Obama Blog, does it every morning now?
Cute piece from Reason magazine that asks who you fear most: the drug user, or those who want to arrest them?
Probably the best analysis I've read on why Muslims attack our embassies and generally just aren't very friendly with Americans, to say the least:
Interesting piece of information from David Brooks' commentary on the Detroit teacher's strike:
Way down towards the end of this article on the next Eureka City Council meeting it's mentioned that a report on Prop 37- the genetically modified foods labeling initiative- will be presented.
Today's T-S editorial is about a flurry of letters they got hammered with all dealing with one issue. They didn't specify which one. Let me guess: Yes on Prop 37 (GMO food labeling)? Anybody know for sure?
What he said: Pat Buchanan is right on target in regards our affairs in the middle east.
Actually, I think they started yesterday, not today. They said they were going to do it a few months ago. They finally did: you now have to pay to read the Sacramento Bee online. A sad, sad day for me.
They never sleep, those evil folks that try to put viruses and malware on your computer. According to the British Broadcast Company, malware has been found on computers fresh off the assembly line. Microsoft is hot on the trail of the hackers, though, so maybe they've nipped this in the bud before it got out of hand.
I thought this story in the Santa Rosa Press- Democrat on typewriters was a fun read. Typewriters: remember them? I guess they're not that far gone that most of us don't remember them.
I was going through some of web sites I have listed here to make sure they were still up and running. If you don't keep up on that you end up with a bunch of dead web sites on your list.
The Times- Standard reports Wes Chesbro was one of the main proponents of the recently passed 1% tax on lumber products.
I can't wait until this last one is over. What really pisses me off is that the media feels they have to cover them. To add insult to injury, I've been having to switch to 95.5 FM to listen to the radio in the afternoon- "San Francisco Music" is what I call that station's line up.
Maybe I just don't get out much but I've always wondered when I go to and it's foggy out. I've seen it umpteen times, just as it says this morning: Near zero visibility in dense fog. Use caution.
Speculation abounds over what estranged Republican Presidential candidate, Ron Paul, will announce during an appearance on the Jay Leno Show tonight. Gary Johnson supporters naturally hope it will be an endorsement of Johnson- Johnson having endorsed Paul in the past.
Any of you older folks remember the PeeChee folder? I'd forgotten all about them until this morning when I noticed a post on my Facebook page with a picture of one.
The San Diego Union- Tribune reports on yet another high speed rail plan not unlike the HSR "Train to Nowhere" the state legislature recently approved funding for. This one is supposedly being privately funded, but they want the loan backed by taxpayer money. If the project fails, taxpayers pay off the loan.