Neely Beats Flemming. Bass Beats Levallee
I wasn't surprised to see Bonnie Neely raking in more campaign donations than Nancy Flemming. I was a bit surprised to see Flemming accept $15,000 from Cherie Arkley. Bad move, I wouldn think.
Not really a big deal to me but, since others keep throwing the Arkley name into everything, I thought it would be a good idea to keep that out of this race as much as possible. Sure, it's no secret that the Cherie and Nancy are friends. Common sense would suggest the Arkleys would support Flemming, but I think they should have tried to minimize the issue.
Heck, Cherie could have just given me $20,000 and then I could of donated $15k of it to Flemming. Same monetary contribution, no Arkley tie in.
On the other hand, I'm not so sure I expected Virginia Bass to rake in more than Peter LeVallee. Not sure why. I think I just figured that vast Left- Wing Conspiracy, perhaps lead by Local Solutions, would have generated more than the Bass campaign would be able to.What I would of liked to see included on the list is who received the most out of county donations.
As an aside; I think bringing up the issue of the phony letters to the editor when Richard Salzman was mentioned in regards the Levallee campaign was a bit tacky. It may be true but was irrelevant to the issue at hand, imo.
What I find interesting in the Peter La Vallee disclosures is that over 20% of his money went to either Kerrigan or Salzman.
He is paying Salzman! He has got to go. That is the last straw. What is he thinking? Obviously he is not fit for the office. I hope Bass wins.
I agree, what legitimate public official or candidate would use Salzman? Not just use him but pay him. Salzman's reputation taints him. LaVallee has to go.
If people vote for this Salzman clone, we will keep getting the same kind of degressives!
Little Petey - if a candidate hires someone who lies, cheats and steals -- then what does that say of the candidate?
The little note about Salzmann was an attempt by the TS not to appear biased and that's all it was. They are still heavily biased and it could be simple demographics as Humboldt County is heavily Democratic.
Flemming probably needs the money more than she fears the the stigma. And besides, if the majority of voters are that dead set against the Arkleys, she doesn't have a chance anyway. In her position, I'd have taken the money.
Salzman, Loco Solutions and Demockery Limited have been puppeteering this whole Eureka election from the get-go. That's why they made rude phone calls to progressive Dem Maria Hershey to force her out of the 1st Ward race, because she would never bow to their control. At least one other candidate, a Green, dropped out due to similar treatment from a different set of callers from the same Salz-Loco-Demock outfit. Their agenda is more of a threat to an independent left as it is to any of Arkley's plans. They will stop at nothing to sqelch any progressive alternative. They are the true authoritarians just as much as the Repugs.
Heck, Cherie could have just given me $20,000 and then I could of donated $15k of it to Flemming. Same monetary contribution, no Arkley tie in.
There you go, Fred. That's how it often is done in politics generally.
Bullshit about Maria. Quit spreading rumors.
The Eureka election is about the very rich and every body else. Personally, I'm with everybody else.
Richard Salzman is fine. Go find someone or something else to beat on.
Everybody likes to mention if Arkley gives any campaign contributions. But what about Bill Pierson ? He has a ton of money & has given over $25,000 to all the left wing candidates for Eureka Supervisor & city council candidates !
Bill Pierson is one of the richest people in the county & wants to buy a local government in order to stop Target from competing with his store. In other words, he doesn't want us to have a choice.
umm how does Target compete with piersons dimwit....
I think he meant to say Home Depot.
ditto 12:05,even Hank Sims tried to contact Maria about that.Maria had nothing to tell him,so she never returned his call.If you know differently talk with Hank,Kim Wear,or Christine Messenger,or convince Maria to do it herself,and break the story open.Posting a rumor here anonymously won't do anything.Also,explain why Marshall Spalding dropped out and gave his support to Virginia Bass,did one of her thugs give him a talking to?
Yeah, I thought the money to Kerrigan and Salzman was pretty telling. I think it will hurt LaVallee in the long run. I also think the "slate" of Kuhnel, Abrams and Glass being supported by Pierson is telling. I guess people will need to decide if they want Pierson to control the council....
Salzman also asked Wilburn to withdraw, she may be different but she calls a spade a spade and has no problem signing her own name on letters.
Patrick Riggs made a rude call on Spalding, go down to Courthouse Mart and ask him yourself. I love how Buetter, Salzman, Konkler and the gang can only resort to the tired old "stop spreading rumors" about a story they all know is true. Loco Solutions whores, the lot of them. Time for something different, none of the above in 2006 and some real progressives for 2008!
Salzman is Salzman. His reputation says it all !
A vote for LaVallee is a vote for Salzman.
How about a Salzman Watch blog ?
How about a Get a Life blog?
Will Salzman get a life? Time will tell.
will he get IT period?
Who knows if he EVER got it. Doesn't look like it.
Lievallee cut off , Droz at last tuesdays council ( pick up a copy with City Clerk ) meeting after Jerry mentioned our main Streets being dominated by homelessness . He list his occupation as incumbant when he works for the r.c.a.a. full time to bring in white trash shelters into , Eureka .HMMMMMMMM , he seems to be hiding something . Ps - What has , Bass done for , Eureka . Answer = nothing ever !
Rex B.
Someone is trying to make it look like Rex Bohn wrote the 6:12 thread. Shame on you, loser.
It is Jerry Droz.
IT is LIEVallee.
Salzman's record, and his involvement is extremely relevant, particularly as so many cnadidates try to deny their association with him. It says a lot about their character that they will buy into the manipulative tactics, and they may not realize what will be expected of them in return for his help, or what will happen if they fail to deliver once they 'owe' him..
Arkley's contributions to the radial right wing in races thousands of miles away from Humboldt is much scarier than any of Salzman's antics.
Salzman ordered Lavallee to cut off Droz short of his 3 minutes when he said , " our main Streets are dominated with homelessness " . Lavallee list his occupation as incumbant when he works for Salzman and the r.c.a.a. full time to bring in white trash shelters into , Eureka . Jerry Droz then said , " i may of interrupted your speech but , at least i allowded you to finish " . Bob
8:18 PM How so ? Do you have anything substantial or factual to back up that statement or is it just your .... humble opinion?
Rose said...
Salzman's record, and his involvement is extremely relevant, particularly as so many cnadidates try to deny their association with him. It says a lot about their character that they will buy into the manipulative tactics, and they may not realize what will be expected of them in return for his help, or what will happen if they fail to deliver once they 'owe' him..
All so very true, Rose.
Don't be fooled by appearances, people! Salzman is an undercover agent for Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Geez, If the comments placed here are a sampling of the voters and citizenry of Eureka,then I would rather vote for Bill The Chimp for Mayor. Unless of course if Salzman is whispering in that elder statesman's ear too.
Too bad Ros is a sucker enough to get draggedd into this dribble.
Salzman may be an undercover agent for PeeWee Herman, but not Arnold.
"8:18 PM How so ? Do you have anything substantial or factual to back up that statement or is it just your .... humble opinion?"
Read for yourself
The latest October 5th 460 filings do reveal the following:
Bill Pierson has given has "slate" of candidates (Neely, LaVallee, Kuhnel, Abrams and Glass) a total of $36,340 so far.
Bonnie Neely has received $19,590 from Pierson, for 17% of her total contributions. This is in addition to her $25,000 from the Blue Lake Rancheria.
Peter LaVallee has received $4,250 from Pierson, for 22% of his total contributions.
Ron Kuhnel has received $4,500 from Pierson, for 34% of his total contributions.
Nan Abrams has received $4,000 from Pierson, for 59% of her total contributions.
And finally Larry Glass has received $4,000 from Pierson, for 36% of his total contributions.
This is public record.
Now doing my best Heather Mueller (the reporter from the E/R) I will not state any insinuations or innuendos of why Pierson is giving such large sums of money to the “slate”.
Instead why don’t the voters of Eureka draw their own conclusions?
Excellent point !
Measure T activist Kaitlan Soponi-Belknap said in her April '05 speech that; donations from corporations are a legal form of bribery. She also said these donations from corporations are "investments" and the corporations wanted a return on their investments. Any bets on if Pierson's is a corporation ? I don't know for sure I my bet is that they are incorporated.
These campaign contributions from Arkley, Pierson et al. just show what a waste of time Measure T was (and is).
And no matter what the language in Measure T says, or how Cobb and Kaitlin try to spin it for gullible parties, it is binding only on county level races not any of the incorporated cities. Just like county supervisors can't pass something and have it apply to the cities. Only changing the city charters does that.
What, no mention of the fifteen grand Rob Arkley just dropped on Nancy Flemming???
Yep. There's already been mention made. It was Cherie Arkley, though, not Rob.
The BOS is a county election.
Neely took $19,590.00 from Pierson and $25K from the Blue Lake Casino? That's a big "investment" by most peoples standards.
As noted before, Bonnie took the money so she could further free speech!
FYI - Loco Solutions has NOT filed their 460s with Humboldt County yet.
They were due October 5.
That's what Measure T was for, to further free speech, right?
The whole point of Measure T was that it's perfectly fine for LOCAL rich people and corporations to buy politicians and elections.
yeah. Hah!
Now doing my best Heather Mueller (the reporter from the E/R) I will not state any insinuations or innuendos of why Pierson is giving such large sums of money to the “slate”.
Instead why don’t the voters of Eureka draw their own conclusions?
Well, I would assume it's because they see the slate as an impediment to a a development that would impact their business. Isn't that how it works?
Read the names and employment connections on CREGs website to see how loyalty to Pierson's can influence politics.
History shows however that a large percentage of these loyal followers will be the management team at the new Home Depot! Pierson's requires a certain amount of loyalty-ever wonder what employees are required to do on Labor Day when the store is closed and for a company picnic? This is not voluntary-required.
I think a large corporation would not have to employ such tactics and probably would give employees a paid day off or holiday pay to work instead.
This town is locked down tight-sworn allegiances right and left. Guilt by association (which does have some merit)! When we get a city council that is actually making headway, there is a movement to throw them out since change is prohibited! What a loser place this will be if the naysayers get to the voting booth and everyone else gets pissed and stays home.
“The agents of change are always resisted. ... Some people fear the unknown, whatever it may be, even more than they fear the troublesome but known present.”
-Carly Fiorina
Why would Piersons' employees be required to attend a company-sponsored picnic on Labor Day?
To prevent them from participating in the AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic at Sequoia Park?
To keep them from rubbing elbows with union members there who might give them some tips on how to organize a union at Piersons?
Why would Piersons' employees be required to attend a company-sponsored picnic on Labor Day?
To prevent them from participating in the AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic at Sequoia Park?
To keep them from rubbing elbows with union members there who might give them some tips on how to organize a union at Piersons?
How did THAT happen?
But to cater to some issues.....If you are going to take a incumbent out, convince people that the councilpersons are incompetent. Show some innovative idea to justify a change. This Democratic/Liberal slate was put together way late and is disorganized. Local Solutions/HCDCC will be taking a fall this election. Bill Pierson should have put his contribution toward his workers health and welfare or pension package. Hey Bill, will you give me a union neutrality agreement to organize your workers without them fearing they will be fired to organize? I have heard that you have been threatening in the past. If you are a worker at Pierson's looking for better wages and workers rights, please E-Mail me. Confidential of course.
I agree with you Richard as far as Larry goes cause he was a last minute lately arrived standin since these Loco Solutions types have some cryptoracist thing going on with their dirty tactics to push Maria Hershey out of that race. Too bad too since she would have been a stronger contender.
But Ron has been planning this run for a good long time and he has the credibility with the planning commission to back it up. Same goes for Nancy who ran for this seat eight years ago. She also as a Green ran for Supervisor against Bonnie and I know that must warm the heart of any Marks supporter.
Please dont blame them for Piersons politics since I dont see them taking orders from anybody. Abrams specially has been distancing herself from the Loco crowd. It spells a good future for the eureka civic association and the pac coming together after the election to support real progressives and oppose this Demockery Limited and Loco madness. David Cobb is just trying to hitch his wagon to these candidates but except for blind larry they see right through his bluster and bs.
Richard,even though local solutions may take a hit here,I think the lefty slate will pull a win.Remember, a 2-2 tie for the slate in the Eureka city council race is a big lefty advantage if one of their losses is the mayoral race.Very likely that the left could take 2 of 3 on council.Virginia and her slate better hope she loses if that happens.
I sure like the idea of unionizing Piersons.I'll drop some union propaganda off there
tommorow.Maybe I'll do the same at OH's just for kicks.I'll also have to check and see if Virginia signs are union made.I just talked to a friend about a half hour ago who was saying that he thought they were not.Let's hope that isn't the case.Look for an e-mail from me tommorow regarding other organizing efforts.
I just read a response over at samoasoftball's blog that Virginia's signs,fliers,etc.are union made.Maybe OH's should have union made dinners soon.
...a good future for the eureka civic association and the pac coming together after the election to support real progressives and oppose this Demockery Limited and Loco madness...
Get real 9:31. Guess you missed the comments on Fred's previous post:
Domain ID:D129139390-LROR
Sponsoring Registrar: CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (R25-LROR)
Registrant Name:Dave Ogden
Registrant Organization:Eureka Civic Association
Admin ID:CORG-165094
Admin Name:Dave Ogden
Admin Organization:Eureka Civic Association
Hmmmm - aren't all the local solutions candidates with CSL? Guess it is just a coincidence
WHOIS Record For
Domain ID:D128563361-LROR
Created On:08-Sep-2006 19:28:56 UTC
Last Updated On:08-Sep-2006 19:40:13 UTC
Expiration Date:08-Sep-2007 19:28:56 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar: CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (R25-LROR)
Registrant Name:Mike Buettner
Registrant Organization:Bitman
Admin Name:Mike Buettner
Admin Organization:Bitman
Name Server:A.NS.JOKER.COM
Domain ID:D126990257-LROR
Created On:09-Aug-2006 17:21:00 UTC
Last Updated On:10-Aug-2006 20:36:08 UTC
Expiration Date:09-Aug-2007 17:21:00 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar: CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (R25-LROR)
Registrant Name:Mike Buettner
Registrant Organization:Bitman
Domain ID:D126151981-LROR
Created On:20-Jul-2006 20:02:26 UTC
Last Updated On:19-Sep-2006 03:47:28 UTC
Expiration Date:20-Jul-2007 20:02:26 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar: CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (R25-LROR)
Registrant Name:Mike Buettner
Registrant Organization:Bitman
Domain ID:D106752306-LROR
Created On:28-Jun-2005 01:53:59 UTC
Last Updated On:03-Jul-2006 01:04:27 UTC
Expiration Date:28-Jun-2007 01:53:59 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar: CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (R25-LROR)
Admin Name:Mike Buettner
Admin Organization:Peter LaVallee
Domain ID:D114681215-LROR
Created On:04-Feb-2006 01:23:40 UTC
Last Updated On:05-Apr-2006 03:56:03 UTC
Expiration Date:04-Feb-2007 01:23:40 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar: CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH (R25-LROR)
Admin Name:Mike Buettner
Admin Organization:Bitman
Morse Media is the best local hosting business by far. They recommend Joker (CSL) for domain registration. Wonderful conspiracy.
Just a funny coincidence.
As a matter of fact Bob Morse provides excellent customer support and very reasonable hosting prices. I highly recommend them.
ECA is definitely setup to be set apart from the Loco Demockery Limited baggage dragging down some of the candidates.
and your point rose?
Im not Rose, I never met Rose, and I dont give a damn what you think of Rose. In fact I dont give a damn about Rose one way or another. So will you address the manipulation of Cobb and Huber or will you continue your mindless and futile attempts at deflection?
I just find it funny that as Local Solutions sinks into oblivion, the "new and improved" version rises in the east, spouting the same rhetoric, with another euphemisitic happy sounding title that belies their real intentions - it is not about civic pride, as the Orwellian name of the day implies, it is about getting "progressives" elected - sounds familiar, that was what "local solutions" was about.
These guys can't just join a legitimate organization like the Chamber of Commerce.
You know, People's Temple employed those same kind of nice sounding names - "The Planning Department," "The Diversions Department" - aka "the Dirty Tricks Department" and "The Board of Education" (that was the board they used to beat people (kids included) in "Planning Commission" meetings - it was three quarters of an inch thick and about two and a half feet long.)
Deceptive euphemistic titles. A fascinating practice.
"Alliance for Ethical Business"
"behind the redwood curtain"
"citizens for real economic growth"
"democracy unlimited"
"redwood progressive"
and now
"Eureka Civic Association"
Richard, it's not about incompetence as much as it's about corruption. From Washington, DC to Washington Street it's the same thing. Republicans and their lackeys groveling to please their corporate big-bucks masters. A vote for the "slate" can stop that Here, Now.
It'll all come out in the wash.
Voters are quite tired of the shananigans. No one with an LS backing is going to come even close-bet on it. And do you know why?
We are sick of the dirty tricks, the substandard representation if you want to call it that-these challenger candidates are all about self gratification.
Did you notice Ron Kuhnel wants more money than what the present city council gets paid? How much Ron-$5,000 a month instead of $500 a month>Answer that!
They don't give a damn about long range planning and taking this community into the future.
"We need to keep everything the same"
"We don't need outside influences in Humboldt County"
"We don't want to be like everyone else"
Which translates into death.
Eureka and Humboldt County will die if we stay on the present path. We need outside connections, more power to be a part of the global community.
Small minded people spend too much time with a limited, closed group not open to new thinking and like the Quakers are going to end up with inbreeding and genetic mutations.
Get out of Humboldt County and see what is out there in the world instead!
Bring in new ideas and open your damn minds.
but isnt dave ogden pissed at local solutions, which is why he started his own group?
I wish the campaign managers posting anon. comments here would identify themselves!
"Bring in new ideas and open your damn minds."
Absolutely. Vote Kuhnel, Glass and Abrams.
Sorry. they're about keeping new ideas, and competition, out.
And you are a campaign manager for which incumbent?
I love trying to reverse the Arkley blame game on Pierson Building Center...
Obviously drawn up by the Flemming campaign-
I am not a campaign manager but could do much better than these slobs if I were.
This whole campaign season is tired and lacking anything that grabs people's attention and gets them riled up and talking each other into voting and I'm not talking about starting rumors about someone's drinking habits or ads from unnamed sources attacking this candidate or that one.
Its the same tired old politics- same story different day and it puts people to sleep.
Sure there are differences between Bonnie Neely and Nancy Flemming-but in receiving Bonnie's campaign literature the other day I wanted to yawn when I saw mention of "Nancy Flemming's wealthy developer friends" or some such...
And Bonnie Neely doesn't have wealthy friends-what politician doesn't have a few and so what? Why didn't she just come out and say she's an Arkley hater-or anything that would cut to the chase. WHAT did she mean by that and why should we care?
Larry Glass doesn't have any new ideas he just wants to shoot other people's ideas down-where are those fresh ideas Larry?
Don't have any? Didn't think so.
Kuhnel wants to quit alley paving or give up a few city positions so the council can have better pay-or where do you think that money was going to come from BTW?
I don't think the Flemming campaign even knows about the required company picnic at Pierson's-why would you think its them posting? Its not that well known a fact since its embarrassing to employees they can't spend the day off with their families or at the lake (not that anybody employed by Pierson's can afford a lake house, but what do you care?
not a campagin manager, not in the Flemming camp, not even going to vote in either City Council race, just an observer who sees two camps, one anti-growth, fear mongering, shut it all down and terrified of that dark place from whence they came, and the other pro-growth, open to ideas, trusts in the free market, and believes it will all work out in the end, one more appealing than the other.
You have until the 24th to register-and please vote.
Hope the "dark place" scares you into it.
Anyone else see that Flemming ad tonight! Beautiful way she slammed Neely for getting mobbed up with David Cobb and his underhanded stupidity. If this doesn't demonstrate the lead weight Demockery Limited and those little Loco gangsters have become then nothing will.
oh, i'm registeredm but don't live in arcata or eureka. i do not fear the dark place, the progressos do.
You don't like Rob's donations - but you probably think Soros is just fine... kind of like Home Depot is not ok but Costco is because - why? they domate more to Democrats?
Hypocrites. All the way down the line.
What's with Bass's handout saying she is a true progessive?
Flemming can concentrate on the lack of representation Neely has given her own district and win on that alone.
In the KEET debate, Neely herself stated the job of Supervisor is for the whole county not just the city of Eureka. But we elected Neely to represent the 4th District-which IS the city of Eureka and it seems Bonnie has an aversion to Eureka issues. EXCEPT the NIMBY issue of Zoe Barnum in her Myrtle Ave backyard.
10:57 dont be such a bigot! I know lots of Democrats and they are not hypocrites. Don't lump people together just because they agree on party affiliation doesn't mean they agree on every issue as I'm sure your own party does not- unless you belong to some totalitarian group. Do you?
Virginia Bass raked in more than Peter LaVallee because she is the better candidate and people are tired of Peter and his new antics and his old saw.
He has not changed anything, has a faulty memory about things that he particiapted in and should know better that he had no influence over. Its still the case.
We can stand a change, my name is on Virginia's list and she's on mine.
On Nov.7th vote: Kuhnel, Abrams, Glass, and Bass.Get her out of her seat now while she is willing to give it up.
What's with Bass's handout saying she is a true progessive?
My vote is for , Droz . Bass says we need a change.....yeah right !.............and your new ??!!! Ha Ha Ha
Also , DO NOT vote on anyone tied to the RCAA . Bass , Neely , Wolford , Smith , Rodini . Let's send them a message........we don't want your white trash shelters !!!!!
Well, you have to understand that no political party really owns a word. So when both Virginia Bass and Nancy Flemming use the word "progressive" to describe their future actions in office, then they are just using the left rhetoric to their advantage.
Personally, I am a little bit perplexed why the new party in Humboldt isn't using Kermit The Frog's theme song; "It's Not Easy Being Green"
I believe Virginia Bass and Nancy Flemmig are trying to use the Latin roots "pro" meaning forward and "gress" meaning movement.
The radical left wants no part of forward movement.
Retire this post!
Don't worry, 9:24. It should be delegated to the archives within the next day or so.
DO NOT VOTE FOR ANYONE TIED TO THE RCAA . THIS INCLUDES NEELY , WOLFORD , BASS , LAVALLEE , SMITH , RODINI and all the others . Wanna learn more ? Go to R.C.A.A. of Humboldt County . They all lie and hide from the fact that they work for the R.C.A.A. and all of these jerks want more shelters here and NEELY wants more free needles and more housing & food for junkies with our tax money . OUST THEM ALL !
Thankyou for the info .
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