Biggest California Political Spenders
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
I hadn't paid much attention to all the ballyhoo over Bush's tax cuts. I assumed it was just more of the class warfare we've seen so much of lately. They're scheduled to end at the end of this year.
Matt Owen sent out an e-mail the other day asking bloggers and pundits for primary election predictions. I don't know that I've ever made those predictions here before and don't have any desire to change. I don't even stay up to watch the early results on election night. After all, it's usually just bad news so why rub my nose in it.
I'm sure they've done it before, but I can't imagine them closing something like the Golden Gate Bridge for anything other than maintenance. They're closing it from 9 to 10pm Sunday night for the fireworks celebrating the bridge's 75th anniversary.
Here's another one of those quizzes that matches you to a presidential candidate. The "No Courage" comment for most of the candidates seems to mean the candidate didn't respond to their written questionnaire.
Dam. It looks like the Sacramento Bee web site will be switching to some sort of pay system in the next couple months. I figured it was probably just a matter of time. They haven't figured out the exact details yet but I'm sure I'll be disappointed no matter how they do it.
Radley Balko reports on an election win from Kentucky that should make both progressives and libertarians happy, except a supposed progressive isn't happy with the infusion of cash the winner got from out of state.
Many of you might know we signed up with Dish Network a couple years ago.
I've been wondering what was going on with the Los Angeles Times web news access. You'll recall a while back they switched to pay mode and only hard copy subscribers could read the site without paying. Then all of the sudden I could access the site. Then I couldn't.
Radley Balko reports on what seems to be a scam in Wisconsin where police are seizing bail money. They have a drug dog alert on the money. Declare it "drug money", and seize it using asset forfeiture laws.
I'll never understand how Obama gets away with his incessant verbal attacks on Iran when even his own people say Iran gave up their nuke weapons program some years ago. To be fair, Romney doesn't take much heat for his verbal attacks on Iran, either.
I changed my mind after watching the League Of Women Voters 2nd state assembly district candidate forum on KEET TV last night. You'll recall a few days ago I was considering voting for perennial Green and Peace & Freedom Party candidate, Pam Elizondo. Not now.
Neat quote in the header of a new blog I stumbled upon called Dissident Thinker:
You can sign this online petition to open the presidential debates to more than just the Reps and Dems. They're hoping to get a million or more signatures to convince the Commission on Presidential Debates, or whatever it's called, to allow more than just two candidates into the debates.
It was like a breath of fresh air reading John Moore's My Word in today's Times- Standard. He's criticizing the nutty idea of tearing up sidewalks and planting trees along Eureka's streets. I couldn't agree more and have written the same arguments here. Good to finally feel I'm not totally alone.
Right wing extremist Senator Rand Paul is at it again, reports Radley Balko. Pretty damned uppity for his first term, isn't he, trying to hold back an attack on Iraq or Syria?
Got my sample ballot in the mail yesterday. Took my first look and figured out how I'll vote in all but one race:
I'd wrote elsewhere I was leaning towards supporting 1st district supervisor candidate Rex Bohn- this despite not living in the district thus not able to vote for him. I've run into him a few times before and always enjoyed it. Still, I'd like to think I have an open mind and didn't write off either of the other candidates. I wanted to hear what they had to say.
It should be no surprise that I hate Democratic congressional hopeful Jared Huffman's guts. If there's a piece of nanny state legislation in this state, Huffman's been either a sponsor of, or at least voted for it.
The Sacramento Bee ran a story on falling pot prices that centers on Eureka and Arcata. I'm sick of hearing about pot so this post is simply FYI.
Much of the media taking their obligatory look at the killing of Osama Bin Laden lately- the anniversary of his death being just the other day. Here's another one of Glenn Greenwald's hard- hitting pieces from Salon talking a look at what's happened to the country since Bin Laden was killed.
Former superior court judge and marijuana legalization advocate, Jim Gray, is seeking the Libertarian Party's nomination for Vice President. LP Presidential hopeful, Gary Johnson, encouraged his nomination earlier on. My guess is that both of them will easily win.