Rentals To Replace Car Sales?
Auto industry expert, Eric Peters, thinks so, anyway. He points to auto maker General Motors that's already switching to renting cars instead of trying to sell them.
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
Auto industry expert, Eric Peters, thinks so, anyway. He points to auto maker General Motors that's already switching to renting cars instead of trying to sell them.
Times- Standard columnist Tim Martin takes aim at the National Rifle Association and gun ownership in todays column- a rather mild attack from some I've read. He did get me to thinking, though, when he brought up our Department of Defense:
Nice site that explains why you shouldn't want to vote for any of the current front runners in the Republican and Democratic presidential races. Click on their photos and you'll get an explanation. Notice Libertarian Party hopeful, Gary Johnson, isn't included so he's still a safe vote.
I got a phone call a few mornings ago from the guy mentioned in this Los Angeles Times article. Ed Blum is associated with the American Enterprise Institute and has a bone to pick with the way political districts are drawn in some places. His beef? That they're chosen based on total population rather than eligible voters lving within the district..
Great news from Sacramento, if only because there's some sensible legislation being considered for a change. A Democrat, of all things, is proposing ending the adoption of Daylight Savings Time.
I was surprised to read in the Times- Standard that Stanford School of Medicine has had some sort of training arrangement with medical folks in Humboldt since the '70s. Even more surprised that they seem interested in expanding that program. We spent some time at Stanford a few weeks ago and most down there don't even know where Eureka is.
The issue of privatizing the operation of prisons comes up every now and again. It came to me again today on some libertarian oriented Facebook pages. I'm not sure I understan libertarian opposition to this effort, although I've gotten the impession current Humboldt LP Chair, Tammy Newcomb, is opposed to privatizataion if only from some Favvbook posts she's made.
This page I found on Facebook says Eureka is California's second most dangerous city. I think that refers to chances of being a victim of crime, not necessarily violence, although that might not surprise me..
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died yesterday setting off the speculation about how he'll be replaced and by whom. It's a partisan issue with Eric Kirk seeming to be glad he's dead although he doesn't give specifics as to why.
Over at Eric Peter's Autos, Eric doesn't seem happy with the demise of manual transmissions in automobiles. Manual transmissions are becoming a thing of the past. Not me. As far as I'm concerned it can't happen fast enough.
Glad to finally see I'm not alone on pot and tobacco. This letter to the editor in the Times- Standard points out the conflict of marijuana advocates and tobacco prohibitioniists. I've noted for some time how strange it is how many people who support marijuana legalization are the same ones advocating, at the very least, defacto tobacco prohibition.
The North Coast Journal looks this week at proposals to regulate rentals of homes in the county. Those rentals being homes people live in but rent out temporarily to folks from out of the area that might be here on vacation, or some other activity. I've read of concerns over this in the Bay Area, too.
The way the Santa Rosa Press- Democrat writes it, the Sonoma County town of Petaluma has made great strides in reducing the number of homeless on its streets. Nothing new from what I can see. They just provided housing for a bunch of them, along with having a police officer assigned to dealing with the homeless which I believe Eureka already does.
The Daily Sheeple looks at the recent- at least what they seem to think is- hysreria over the Zika virus and the idea to use genetically engineered mosquitoes to vaccinate people against it. Doesn't seem like too bad of an idea to me at first glance. They do make the point about ethical considerations, though, such as vaccinating without consent.
Local accountant and self declared candidate for Eureka City Council, John Fullerton, has a column in the Times- Standard this morning taking issue with recent proposals to deal with the homeless in the county. He rightfully points out that there aren't enough rentals in the county to house all the homeless and, even if there were, landlords might not want to rent to them.
Apparently 2/3 of Americans believe money buys elections, hence the big effort by The Left to do away with that Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court. This article here points out that's not quite true:
We've been down at Stanford Medical Center the last few days. I thought I'd write about the place we stayed last night.