Reason Looks At 2008
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
I wonder if anybody in Humboldt bought advertising on this map that some in Del Norte County did?
This issue has probably already been beaten to death on Heraldette and Eric's blogs, never mind the Times- Standard Topix forums. Still, I thought J. Warren Hockaday's piece in today's Times- Standard on the Richardson Grove/ Highway 101 realignment was worth both a mention and a read. What more needs to be said?
It seems no matter where I lived as a kid, all the kids would be saying that: There's nothing to do around here. I don't know if that has anything to do with this latest committee being formed in Arcata but I've heard similar sentiments by young folk in Eureka.
Fun read on Carbon Dioxide from Jude Wanniski. It includes,
Labels: climate change, global warming
Wasn't some other Mckinleyville teenager hurt or killed in some traffic accident in Mendocino County not long ago? Maybe it was Sonoma County?
The Ukiah Daily Journal reports the county be giving all non- essential employees a mandatory unpaid day off on January 2. Looks like they're in the hole like nearly every one else and have to deal with an over $800,000 budget deficit.
This is fun sitting here with the thunder and lightning flashing outside. At first I thought the thunder was someone starting his car. I kind of hope it keeps going, even though it is a little bit scary.
...the days start getting longer. Too bad it takes so long to notice it. Still, I look forward to Monday.
The Daily Triplicate takes a look at the mindset of at least one person who can't stay off the Crescent City jetty- that jetty being the scene of a fatal accident just days ago. Interesting, in that the gal supposedly worked in professional water rescue for most of her life. I guess there's no accounting for what goes on in some people's heads.
Hank Sims' Town Dandy column in this week's North Coast Journal confirms what I thought I noticed when we were leaving Willits on Tuesday: The section of rail line that crossed Highway 101 just north of Willits has been paved over.
Looks like Eureka will be fighting to defend Measure J- that local anti- recruiting initiative that was recently passed. Fortunately, the city attorney has been told she'll be given no additional resources with which to defend it. That's a good thing.
Labels: Mario Matteoli
It sure is nice being home when it's cold like this. I can actually enjoy looking out the back door and seeing the frost all over everything, rather than being kind of scared as I was yesterday morning knowing I'd have to be driving through it.
Went to UCSF again on Sunday. I've posted my rather long winded travelogue here so as to not waste space on this blog. About the only part of it that might interest some of you is I almost became a part of one of these accidents. The one by Bell Springs Road, although that's in Mendocino County, not near Garberville as the news story says.
Don't have time to figure out just how to tie this in with same- sex marriage, but it looks like Nevada might have a fight on its hands on the opposite side of the altar.
As some of you might know by now, the State Air Resources Board (ARB) seems to have decided to go full speed ahead with the implementation of AB 32. Several columnists (my December 7 post) have commented on this already. Basically, it puts the future of nearly all California businesses in the hands of the ARB, or so some are saying.
I'm not sure what to make of this map from USA today that supposedly shows the level of corruption of the states in this country.
National Geographic tells us tonight's moon will appear the biggest it has in a while. It doesn't look like most of us in Humboldt will get to see it according to the weather forecast. Then again, you never know.
For those that didn't read about it in the Times- Standard the other day, KSLG is sponsoring a clothes gathering drive tomorrow. The clothes will be given to Betty Chinn, the local homeless activist, for use in her efforts. The event takes place at the Eureka Co-op from 6am to 6pm.
They've done the symbolic "ground breaking" for construction of the new PG&E power plant at King Salmon. I can't believe there isn't anybody protesting this thing?
The Sacramento Bee's, Dan Weintraub, takes a hard look at one result of the global warming hysteria sweeping California and elsewhere: Most everything we do in this state might soon be put under control of the Air Resources Board. As Dan points out, the risks are great, the rewards uncertain.
I thought it a rather interesting perspective, this story in The Daily Triplicate. We always complain about gas prices in Humboldt, as opposed to the rest of the state, forgetting there are places that pay even more than we do.
Looks like Sonoma County is having some problems with eucalyptus trees that line roads, just like we're having with the trees between Eureka and Arcata. Some homeowners are fighting with the county over whose responsibility it is to cut them down.
This one might be a bit different, though.
Looks like Kaitlin Sopoci- Belknap just won't let the Measure T issue drop. Actually, I get the feeling her latest My Word column was more of a fund raising effort for Democracy Unlimited than anything else.