Tuesday, August 09, 2016

The Freddy's Proposed Eureka Ordinances

I was trimming a hedge the other day and all pissed off about it. It got me to thinking again of an idea I'd had before regarding hedges and other nuisance plants in Eureka.

Before I go further I suppose I should toss whatever libertarian credentials I have in the trash. Libertarians normally shouldn't try and tell others what to do.

My proposed city ordinance: 

Whereas hedges can eventually become a public nuisance and a headache for generations to come, be it resolved that before any hedges are planted within the Eureka city limits the following be done before planting:

A permit obtained from the City of Eureka stating the exact location of the planned hedge, permission from owners of the adjacent properties and detailed plans for maintenance of said hedge.

A fee of $10.00 per foot of hedge will be paid to the City of Eureka.This applies to newly planted hedges only. It's not meant to punish those who unknowingly bought into a problem property with a hedge already growing.

The ten dollar fee (or fine, if you'd like) seems steep, but is meant to discourage planting of hedges. 

Permission should be obtained from adjacent property owners since those planting hedges often don't consider their neighbors. I had one hedge owner who was thinking of taking down a fence and replacing it with a hedge. He asked me what I thought of the idea. I told him it might be a real pain for his neighbors to maintain the hedge. He told me, "I don't care about that". True story, and shows how little some people care about their neighbors, even when trying to push a major headache on them.

My next proposed ordinance involves invasive plants. Two come to mind: English ivy and morning glory. Both are difficult, or in the case of morning glory, impossible to control. We shouldn't allow any more of them to be planted or sold in Eureka. Once planted, they're plaguing us for generations, if not forever.

Whereas morning glory is an invasive plant that is difficult if not impossible to control, this ordinance prohibits the planting or sale of either plant in Eureka. Simple enough, huh?

The same ordinance could be applied to enlish ivy (helix hedera). This is a vine with no worth and said by some to damage or
kill trees, although I've never personally seen that happen, I know firsthand of the headache ivy can be- the whole Trinity Street side of our house being infested with it.

I know some will say to wait until the plant becomes a nuisance before having the city get involved, but I'd like to stop the problem before it starts (dangerous concept, I know). I certainly wish they'd had an ordinance limiting ivy back when whoever it was planted the ivy next to our house. 

You think the city council would go for it? Problem is, as Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Humboldt, it would be inappropriate for me to present it to the council. Any of you, though, are free to copy it down, add your name to it and present the plan to the city council. I might even write some posts here in support of it. 

I guess I'll have to switch my voter registration to Democrat now since I'm becoming a nanny- stater. 


At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a sad dude Fred

At 8:16 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...


HOJ thinks laws already exist to "abate a nuisance" provided the facts are understood.

If you are saying that someone else owns the hedge and morning glory which are growing over the vertical plane that delineates your property from her property, you can sue her for trespass ans nuisance and costs and fees, BUT only after serving her notice to with a reasonable time period to abate.

Your ordinance examples are icreasingly oppressive and inconsequential since cirrent laws allow for abatement options.

Your examples would force proggressives and liberals to admit that "green is a nuisance too", in that hypocrisy by pro environmentalists at all costs and muisances is locally practiced......it ia like gubbamint forcing ypu to set aside land for preservation only, but later gubbamint changes the terms and develops the set aside land.....theft by lies and false information.

So ya, good luck accompluahing anything that benefits good people (or better people - depends on how intelligent one is to be honest with themself).

To understand "good" to its fullest rainbow is to understand that mankind is doomed as dark as black when groups are in charge.

Gubbamint = A GROUP

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...


HOJ thinks laws already exist to "abate a nuisance" provided the facts are understood.

If you are saying that someone else owns the hedge and morning glory which are growing over the vertical plane that delineates your property from her property, you can sue her for trespass ans nuisance and costs and fees, BUT only after serving her notice to with a reasonable time period to abate.

Your ordinance examples are icreasingly oppressive and inconsequential since cirrent laws allow for abatement options.

Your examples would force proggressives and liberals to admit that "green is a nuisance too", in that hypocrisy by pro environmentalists at all costs and muisances is locally practiced......it ia like gubbamint forcing ypu to set aside land for preservation only, but later gubbamint changes the terms and develops the set aside land.....theft by lies and false information.

So ya, good luck accompluahing anything that benefits good people (or better people - depends on how intelligent one is to be honest with themself).

To understand "good" to its fullest rainbow is to understand that mankind is doomed as dark as black when groups are in charge.

Gubbamint = A GROUP

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Yes, there are ways to deal with this already, but in many cases, it's too late. Morning glory, for instance; once it starts, it's very difficult, if not impossible, to eradicate.

I have the pleasure of monning glory infesting my back yard. I inadvertently got it started by mowing a lawn with morning glory in it. Then I dumped the grass clippings in a compost bin I had in the back corner of my yard. Apparently seeds were drawn in and it sprouted in the compost heap then spread all over the yard. Now it's everywhere.

I tried digging it up to remove it from my vegetable garden area. Spent hours one summer on my knees digging up the ground foot by foot to remvoe the roots. I thought I'd done a pretty thorough job only to go to that area next spring to find morning glory popping up in all the areas I'd dug it up. It seems just a tiny bit of the root is enough to get the stuff started again.

And it got into the neighbor's yard across the street. They didn't have morning glory before but, once it got going in my back yard, I noticed it on their fence- apparently the seeds having gone airborne and made their way over there.

Round up kills morning glory if applied to all the foliage, but that's hard to do without damaging non- target plants as morning glory often crawls inside shrubs and wraps itself around them. I can only dream that Monsanto could come up with some genetically altered disease that only affects morning glory. I'll be the first to buy some when they do.

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why allow others to draw the nuisance line for others? Go Fred!
I would love to see a nuisance law against democracy (mobs) forcing rules to protect special favor minority groups. We already have protection laws for the smallest minority we have, called the Constitutional Republic, which protects the individual 's rights.
To hedge or not to hedge, that is the question.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I just sent an e-mail to Monsanto asking them to consider developing a morning glory specific disease. I told them if they develop it, I'll be among the first to buy it.

At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you starting a hedge fund?

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That was funny, annon 9:20AM 😃

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Bob Wallace said...

I would love to see a nuisance law against democracy (mobs) forcing rules to protect special favor minority groups.

I would too.

Of course had we been treating everyone equally as we should then those laws wouldn't have been necessary.

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Fred, if I lived there I would really do that for you. Invasive species cause so much trouble. And after all you are being stressed(mentally and physically) and maintenance takes your time. You have suggested reasonable ideas. Why should invasive plant owners supersede your rights?

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred, go here


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...


I already have a sprayer and Round Up. Problem is, as I wrote earlier, you have to get all the foliage of a morning glory plant to kill it. Morning glory often intertwines itself with plants you don't want to spray so it makes it near impossible to use herbicides as you spray the wanted plant as well as the morning glory.

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Brush killer, suffice to say. Spot spraying may take years.

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Exactly, but crooked people implement the laws.

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Round up?

Is it brush killer?

You need the nuclear version of chemical death.

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Rround Up is known as a wide spectum herbicide, which means it pretty much kills anything if applied in a large enough dose. That means, unlike Broadleaf Weed killers sold in stores and commonly used on lawns to control weeds, it doesn't discriminate with which plants it kills. Broadleaf Weed killers, usually 24-D and Dicamba, kill broadleaf weeds but generally don't bother turfgrass. That's why they're used for weed control in lawns.

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Have you consulted a nursery?

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:41, those laws are working so well, the bakers are fined & jailed & the corrupt politicians walk free. I don't think that's what the Framer's had in mind.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Bob Wallace said...

If you want to be a business serving Americans then you are required to serve all equally.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, the D of I & the bill of rights already protects minorities, provides equal rights. The discrimination laws are bs backdoor laws into govt discriminating against businesses and the smallest minority there is, the individual.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Bob Wallace said...

I grew up in the segregated South in the 1940s and 1950s. Don't try to bullshit me with "the D of I & the bill of rights already protects minorities, provides equal rights".

Minorities and women are still fighting for equal standing with white men.

At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're the one full of BS.
The citizens of all races fought against the discriminations against all races. The businessman wanted the freedom to serve the whole public. The hospital doctors & nurses wanted to heal anyone who came through the doors.
It was the ridiculous laws forcing people to discrimate that the citizens fought.
Today we have forced discrimination against smoking, vaping, self sufficiency, logging, fishing, religious beliefs, speech, coal miners, ranchers, farmers, ... Everyone and anyone who is not in a new labeled box of protected.
The laws are a discriminating backdoor.
America loves heroes, not selfdeclared victims. You can blame the citizens all you want, that's your right. But it doesn't make it right.
Anywhere the govt has a foot in the door, whether it is a church that worships tax breaks or a same sex couple worshipping big govt's permission, or environmentalists who worship the destruction of prosperity, there is corruption & tyranny.
The govt doesn't give us our rights, nor can they take them away constitutionally.
Labeling people pits people against each other. I believe Marx promoted that.
The free market system votes with their feet, not with their forced bias. Try it sometime.

At 11:10 AM, Blogger Bob Wallace said...

"The citizens of all races fought against the discriminations against all races. The businessman wanted the freedom to serve the whole public. "

Right here your comment goes off the rails.

Anyone even loosely connected with reality knows that it was a major struggle to get blacks served in restaurants, allow them to sit with whites in theaters and one buses. Businessmen fought the change.

Even after the Civil Rights Act became law Lester Maddox refused to serve black customers in his Atlanta restaurant and became a hero to some business people.

"Today we have forced discrimination against smoking, vaping, self sufficiency, logging, fishing, religious beliefs, speech, coal "

Smoking - the problem is second hand smoke. You are free to smoke away from others.

Self-sufficiency - there are no restrictions against self-sufficiency. You can find restrictions on hunting and fishing out of season, that sort of thing. You can't keep a cow in the middle of a city.

Logging - logging has to be regulated. If it wasn't then we would have more Hurowitz type people destroying our environment.

Fishing - you really think we should allow species to be fished to extinction?

Religious beliefs - you are free to believe what you want. You are not allowed to use your religious beliefs as an excuse to harm others.

Speech - you can't holler "Fire!" in a crowded theater or threaten someone else's life. You have a problem with that?

Coal - taxpayers spend $140 billion to $242 billion per year to treat the health damage caused by burning coal. Per year.

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They weren't allowed to serve.
There are assholes in every town. Fortunately, we live in a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.
The government has no say in any of our jobs. States are sovereign, make their own laws & ordinances, on an as needed basis. County's are supposed to have ample representation, to voice their own county's concerns. The govt. has no constitutional right.
Yelling fire in a lobby, theater, is perfectly legal, & protected by the freedom of speech, 1st amendment. The only time it is illegal, is if somebody gets hurt because someone maliciously yelled fire. Most people use common sense. If a mentally challenged person yelled fire, it would be unacceptable to imprison him.
Victimless crimes are not crimes.
Second hand smoke is BS, junk science, created for taxing through fear. In fact, the epa unconstitutionally tested exhaust fumes on children. Exhaust is millions times more toxic.
The govt has no right extorting money from the people, ever.
Your love of big daddy-o is off it's rocker.

At 3:09 PM, Blogger Bob Wallace said...

"They weren't allowed to serve. "

Excuse me? Are you that ignorant of US history?

"The government has no say in any of our jobs. States are sovereign, "

Are you that ignorant when it comes to the US Constitution?

Yelling fire in a crowded theater is legal, except when it is illegal?

There's now scientific data showing the harm of second hand smoke?

I don't blame you for not wanting to put your real name on these posts.

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice try, getting all insultive. Wahhhh, you hurt my precious feelings.

The Constitution limits the govt, not the people.
The framer's created the constitution, the govt didn't create the framers.

Victimless crimes are to be considered null & void. Potential harm is a crock of unconstitutional bull.

To this day, there has never been a toe tag dedicated to SHS only.
SHS is not deadly. Exhaust is. Abortions are. Unconstitutional laws are.

Any law not in keeping with the constitution is repugnant to the constitution and to be considered null & void.
Only laws in keeping with the constitution are to be voted on.
Even constitutional laws that are considered stupid or bad, can be nullified.

The 9A is there for a reason. So is the 10A. The 14 and several others are unconstitutional.

Only 1% of smokers died from smoking related illnesses. Lung cancer is the least researched cancer.

Only 1.6% of the people owned slaves. The richest of the owners were blacks. The Native Americans who traded slaves were known as the civil indians.
That leaves approximately 99.4% of the people that wanted nothing to do with slavery or prejudice.

According to you, people are so prejudice they won't see movies with black stars. Sidney Poitney, Cecily Tyson, James Earl Jones, Wesley Snipes, Terra Banks, Samuel Jackson, Chris Rock, Oprah Whimphrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Will Smith, and thousands more could have become richer than their wildest dreams if it weren't for racial prejudism. Musicians like the Supremes, Michael Johnson, Temptations, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Lena Horn, all those rappers, Soul music, .. never drew in the crowds. Football, badketball, baseball, track, games were avoided due to black players.
Rosa Parks, MLK jr & so many others never had a voice, because only the black people stood up for them.
Obama is half white or he & his black wifey would never be in office.

People like you are what's wrong with the world.

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Bob Wallace said...

Have a nice day....

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our Founding Father's did not leave a kingdom, to begin a new kingdom. They fought & many died, to found a new start based on self governing through moral principles country. Liberty, freedom of choice, the end of enslavement by religions, kings & tyrants.
"We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Bob Wallace said...

And become a group of free and independent states they did become.

After fighting off the British Crown those states (colonies, at the time) entered into an agreement, our Constitution, which created a federal government which has supremacy over individual states.

The United States Constitution was adopted by all thirteen colonies and it forms the basis of our government. There were many alternative ideas discussed along the way to writing our constitution but they were discarded and did not make it into the final draft.


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