Sports Stadiums
The Sacramento Bee's Dan Walters takes a look at sports stadium subsidies. I think he's being too nice, but maybe that's because I couldn't care less about sports.
I've never figured out why, in an anti- business state like California, there isn't more outrage over politicians pandering to wealthy professional sports teams. As Walters explains, it's happening all over the state, not just in Sacramento.
"As Sacramento builds a new downtown arena for the Kings, with roughly half the money coming from the city, the 49ers football team has already decamped from San Francisco to a lavish new facility in Santa Clara, Oakland’s Athletics baseball team and its Raiders football team are demanding new venues, the Warriors basketball team is abandoning Oakland for a new arena in San Francisco, the Chargers football team is on the verge of moving to Los Angeles as San Diego politicians frantically try to mollify its owners with promises of a new stadium – and so forth."
I'm sure some will say sports stadiums bring money to communities, Everything I've read- and Dan Walters seems to agree- says they bring in little, if any. Unless you're one of the teams, their staff and others that are directly involved with them. Everyone else takes a hit.