Jake Pickering is running for that Water District seat, the one currently held by Bruce Rupp. He recently sent out the following letter to most of the local media asking them to publish this letter of his. I received it along with at least one other blogger. I see Heraldo went ahead and published it.I wasn't going to, at first. I figured it would likely show up in the Eureka Reporter by today anyway, which it hasn't. I also felt it would not reflect very well on someone to have such a letter published in their name. But, what the heck. He wanted it published and since I don't have much else to post here today, here it is.He really took Dave Cobb's recent letter about all the corporate candidates in the Eureka City Council race to a new (lower?) level. I don't know that this letter was such a good idea, Jake.“WELCOME TO ARKLEYVILLE”
by Jake Pickering (of Eureka, CA)
P.O. Box 3050, Eureka, CA
- October 12, 2006 -
- Candidate for the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District (Division 4) -
If you are like most Americans, you are well aware of the fact that it is time for change on November 7th.
If you are part of that shrinking, misguided Republican minority that believes America and Eureka are “on the right track”, then go ahead and embarrass yourself by voting for the following right-wing status-quo slate of Arkley-approved politicians: Virginia Bass Jackson, Jeff Leonard, Mike Jones, Mary Beth Wolford, Bruce Rupp & Nancy Flemming.
However, if you have actually been paying attention to the real world around you and are not currently living in a Republican state of denial, then vote against these failed, right-wing snake oil salesmen and saleswomen. As the saying goes, “Think globally, act locally.” Send the Republican Party’s contingent of paid-for politicians into retirement, where they belong!
The Louisiana-based Arkley clan carpetbaggers have funneled millions of dollars into the criminally corrupt Republican Party over the years in search of favorable legislation, more tax cuts and plutocracy. The Arkleys have always been shameless and unabashed in expressing their personal philosophy that inherited wealth entitles them to make political and economic decisions for the rest of us. No wonder the Arkley clan gave George W. Bush so much money! Apparently, fascist birds of a feather flock together.
These would-be Republican dictators believe that the residents of Eureka require nothing more from their public officeholders than slick advertising and empty promises – no results necessary!
And when you vote, remember this: these same Republican profiteers and their unethical, paid-for politicians who attempted to force a Wal-Mart on the residents of Eureka (even though 61% of Eurekans soundly rejected this big-box proposal at the ballot box in 1999) are still compulsively lying to the people of our community about their half-baked schemes.
Take this into account: none of the right-wing politicians on the Arkley-approved slate (including Bruce Rupp = multimillionaire Republican slumlord and President of the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District) have shown the least bit of concern for cleaning up the massive and deadly toxic contamination at the Balloon Tract site, which threatens to pollute Humboldt Bay and consequently destroy the livelihoods of local fishermen.
These local right-wing politicians are far too busy salivating at the prospect of collecting further campaign contributions from the filthy rich to take the needs and desires of Eureka’s residents into consideration. In fact, the Republican Arkely clan and their right-wing political tools (Virginia Bass Jackson, Jeff Leonard, Mike Jones, Mary Beth Wolford, Bruce Rupp & Nancy Flemming) prefer a Home Depot precisely because they want to avoid their legally-mandated responsibility to decontaminate the Balloon Tract site.
These local right-wing political hacks are not merely irresponsible; they are disastrously incompetent and must be defeated at the polls this November 7th.